Did not have, "Just make this other crime not a crime and we won't have to commit another crime to cover up the first crime," on my Men Being Dicks Bingo card.
I wonder how supportive these guys would be of other men raping their girlfriends, wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters, since that would become legal, too...
Ummm, I don't even have snark for that. Just...kill all of them. There's nothing salvageable there. Reprocess them into something useful, like wild animal food or fertilizer
I'm pointing out how flawed their logic is, folks.🤦
Following the same line of thinking, rape won't be a thing if sex work is legal. But it doesn't happen that way because rape is about power.
Making rape legal won't get rid of murder.
Making sex work legal won't t get rid of rape.
And I can't remember the point I was trying to make. Take advantage of that BS to make sex work legal? 🤔
Like, ok, if they're gonna run with the "x wouldn't exist if y wasn't illegal" line of thinking, then according to their logic, "rape wouldn't exist if sex work wasn't illegal."
I was going to point out that contracts signed at gunpoint aren't enforceable, but then I remembered that these rapists were all elected to the US Senate or appointed to Trump's cabinet, so who knows what the rules are now.
I think I’m going to be sick. The utter callousness with which our personhood and agency are not even acknowledged, let alone dismissed, is terrifying.
"Nobodies ready for that conversation." That's like saying "I shouldn't have to use the toilet. I should be able to just shit as I walk around the house, where I sleep, while I'm watching the TV. But my wife isn't ready for at conversation."
It's not that she's not ready, it's that that isn't a conversation worth having and if that's how you feel you should be separated from your partner. Just as if you want rape to be legal it's not that we're not ready for that conversation. It's that /
You would like to think this was a microcosm of misogyny but...not only have thousands liked the original post, but a over a hundred have reposted it...so it appears right there on their TL for all to see... the other place is truly a cesspit now.
Everything they say is to remove accountability from themselves, fuck the women who suffer. How about this: If you rape a woman, that woman should be legally allowed to chop your dick off, and if you report it you get refused medical care. Sounds fair to me.
Yes, exactly!! This is the sort of open and reasoned debate that Zuck is looking for!! I expect that soon socialmedia bros arrested for rape will put forward the completely novel defense of "She wanted it." Jurors will marvel at its newness. SCOTUS may even recognize it.
It's probably the smallest of the issues this raises but we need to do something about people saying women have rape fantasies. They don't. They have domination fantasies. The two are NEVER interchangeable.
2nd guy doesn't understand that signing under duress negates the contract.
Should we reply to them that we should be allowed to end people who grape? I mean, once men see that the only result is no longer existing, maybe they will think twice about it
Gimme a fucking break, these people are fucking monsters
I mean...outside of /pol/ at least :/
Making rape legal won't stop murder
Making sex work legal won't stop rape.
Following the same line of thinking, rape won't be a thing if sex work is legal. But it doesn't happen that way because rape is about power.
Making rape legal won't get rid of murder.
Making sex work legal won't t get rid of rape.
Like, ok, if they're gonna run with the "x wouldn't exist if y wasn't illegal" line of thinking, then according to their logic, "rape wouldn't exist if sex work wasn't illegal."
I'm trying to point out their dumb logic. Making rape legal won't stop murder. Making sex work legal won't stop rape.
I wonder why
Is...is that...not on the table?
Yeah, no, who am I kidding. Cops are probably busy shooting black kids after mistaking a bag of chips for a gun.
And if they actually try anything they will deeply regret it.
Also, not for nothing, but “wide” isn’t what happens.
They assume that vaginas exist for penises. Since penises get larger with arousal, they think vaginas must also get larger.
My certainty: They know less than nothing about mammal anatomy.
Bears: 1,542,728
You know, if it wasn't legal to elect Republicans to positions where they were allowed to tamper with the government, we wouldn't have to kill them...
This guy needs to not pass go, not collect £200, and go directly to jail.
Should we reply to them that we should be allowed to end people who grape? I mean, once men see that the only result is no longer existing, maybe they will think twice about it