Yeah, why would it be hard for anyone with an adult level brain to sit down and willingly expose themselves to Rogaine for 3 hours a day, asks the very stupid boy in men's clothing
Counter point. If you are a woman and you have listened to over 10 hours about some absurdly fucked up true crimes in the last, oh let's say month, raise your hand.
I cant even listen to rogan for five minutes, I would go insane listening to that crap for hours, if its true that less women listen to rogan than men that just shows that they are smarter than us.
I have plenty of time to listen to intelligent podcasts or docs. Rogan etc... just don't qualify as intelligent. A lot of great science podcasts out there.
Isn't it hard for anybody to sit and listen to Joe Rogan for any length of time?
I'd find it easier to stand and listen to a gaggle of geese dance in my ears blowing vuvuzelas
Maybe it's difficult to listen to Rogan because he basically strokes masculine ego and shit talks women for 3 hours, and just maybe, women don't enjoy listening to being shit talked about.
It's a wild theory, I know, but, maybe kick it around for a moment.
The actual fuck? I mean, is it supposed to be a flex to point out that men don't deal with all the responsibilities that WOMEN do..Not females..what an asshole💙💙 be real..t rump cheated..
Now, trust me, I know how females work. I do reeeeeaalll well with the ladies. My aunt Trudy...she's here 3, 4 times a week Oh, sure, she tells me I can do my own laundry and cook my own Chef Boyardeee but joke's on her cuz no I can't. Plus it cuts into my podcast wank time. No thanks, lady!
I listen to thousands of hours of audio books while I work. 30+ hour books I can finish in a week. It’s got nothing to do with time and everything to do with content, not losing IQ points to right wing misogynistic conspiracy theory religious nationalist anti science drek.
It’s true that having a job that allows you to listen to long form content is pretty sweet.
But I’d never waste that time on Joe Rogan or any of his ilk.
I asked a date how he would refer to a group of women by pointing at them subtly. He giggled, turned red, and the said, <> I paid for my drink and left. He was 50.
I’ve listened to a 3 hour long YouTube true crime doc…
I'd find it easier to stand and listen to a gaggle of geese dance in my ears blowing vuvuzelas
Maybe it's difficult to listen to Rogan because he basically strokes masculine ego and shit talks women for 3 hours, and just maybe, women don't enjoy listening to being shit talked about.
It's a wild theory, I know, but, maybe kick it around for a moment.
These are same assholes that in a previous generation kept Douche Limpballs on their car radios.
But I’d never waste that time on Joe Rogan or any of his ilk.
I will fixate on a good book or podcast SERIES for hours a day across successive days. (Weeks if the book is long enough + the story is good.)
I cannot/will not bear JR’s shitty “logic”, foolish questions, and often unlistenable guests..