"You're 20? You look 18!" What!? 😂 Those ages are so close, people in that range basically could all pass for either. May as well say "What, you're 25 years and 15 weeks old!? You don't look a day older than 25 years and 14 weeks!"
Curious what his age is, cause from his pic, which is absolutely grainy and obscure so I can't really tell, he looks too old to be reasonably trying to hit on someone he thinks is 18.
He assumes women like Batman because the response to his propositions is usually "Nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah... nah..."
Ok nerd boy, slow the truck up.
Firstly, you'll need her permission before anything happens, including wallop-ing.
Second.... who are you to declare thatBatman is shit??
I'm sorry...
I was forgetting that you're probably a "My Little Pony" fan.
Nevermind the rest of this cringefest
Firstly, you'll need her permission before anything happens, including wallop-ing.
Second.... who are you to declare thatBatman is shit??
I'm sorry...
I was forgetting that you're probably a "My Little Pony" fan.