for the curious, The ancient Greeks knew how to disprove this using basic geometry and a sextant. you can too with a wristwatch, a car, and 10th grade math
I listened to it 4 times because I couldn’t believe she said nephilim. I was stunned the first time because of the “proved flat earth” statement that preceded it.
At least she doesn't like Donald....because she thinks he was put in place by a group of fallen angels who live in the ocean. I wish I was making that up. She has 80k followers.
Re "cgi pictures". Yes, NASA do enhance their images only so that the average IG user understands what they're seeing but I'mnot sure it's CGI. Also, the wonderful nebula wallpapers aren't accurate because NASA uses spectrometers to identify gases hence why the telescope pics are so colorful. They+
+also try to identify wavelengths and other stuff – neither are visible to the human eye so they are using technologies to better understand the structures they're seeing but it does not mean they're fake.
When I make a claim on the internet, I have to look it up five times just to make sure I'm not missing a nuance or misstating a particular point...and I really gotta just say, damn...give me the self-confidence of a tiktok conspiracy girl.
The attack at the semaphore tower has stayed with me.
Let’s not get too carried away however.
Listen to a seemingly stoned Gillyan on Tiktok. That makes much more sense.
Hey, Gilly? Got any more antarctica stories - and some more of them 'cookies'? 🥴
But sure, I am ‘blaming’ TikTok.🙄