A Cladonia from Japan, covered with small granules inside the scyphus. The Japanese text begins: "A large colony of Lichens gracilis ..." but this is definitely not Cladonia gracilis.
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蓮猫 Lotuscat
I think this is Cladonia kurokawae. This funnel-shaped lichen grow all over the cliff. Must have exactly the correct environment for Cladonias to thrive. Shinshu International Music Village, Ueda, Nagano #Lichen #FungiFriends
ヒメジョウゴゴケの大群落。長野県上田市信州国際音楽村 #地衣類
ヒメジョウゴゴケの大群落。長野県上田市信州国際音楽村 #地衣類