Me too, Beckie. Although I think I did have it early on, without testing positive. Tested positive this morning, really not a surprise given how I was/am feeling. Take care.
Hmm, I started slight symptoms Thursday, tested negative yesterday morning but stayed home. Positive test today, faint but clear. Hope you don’t feel too bad.
I figured we'd start seeing a spike soon. I still mask indoors and sometimes outdoors too if too many people are around / I can't be downwind from them, so I should be decently safe. Not to mention all the other mitigations I take!
I had food first and I'm sorta ok - bit weird feeling.
Hopefully I don't need more. I can do panadol.
I'm not alone so that's ok.
Please be careful everyone!
Rest up, may your recovery be swift and complete.
People really ought to make masking the norm.