My gender is not an “ideology”. My identity “erases” no-one. I’m not a threat to anybody. I’m just me.
More than this: the lack of information and support throughout my life has had a huge impact. Depression. Anxiety. Suicide ideation.
Fuck terf ideology. Let trans people BE. Let us live.
More than this: the lack of information and support throughout my life has had a huge impact. Depression. Anxiety. Suicide ideation.
Fuck terf ideology. Let trans people BE. Let us live.
When a minority feels the need to demonstrate solidarity in a parade, there’s a reason. When a minority says they want to live in peace, try not telling them they already do.
Listen. Please.
I don't really see how it's possible to come to any other conclusion.
IT DOESNT MAKE ANY RATIONAL SENSE. TO JUST HATE PEOPLE? It has no end goal for any reason. It’s like the kkk and Nazi movement it makes no fucking sense
All dressed up as "protecting women and children".
Terfs all scare me.
Anyone can make you feel unsafe I meant my womanhood is my own
We just want to live
We want to live in peace
Me "average life expectancy"
Them "oh"
Made them think