Exciting to see the first home stand tests w/ the Lumia Health wearable. Data is not for medical use. Lumia can help people self-manage symptoms of #orthostaticintolerance and adhere to healthy lifestyle guidelines from their doctor. #pots #longcovid #pwME #chronicillness #dizziness #medsky
I was diagnosed with Dysautonomia/POTS via a tilt table test w/ my cardiologist, but I had never done a “5 Minute Stand Test” at home. 5 minutes laying, then 5 minutes standing, then 5 minutes laying. Proof is in the pudding, as they say. Textbook POTS right here.
#dysautonomia #pots #wearlumia
#dysautonomia #pots #wearlumia
Does Lumia do anything beyond this?