It's worth keeping in mind that direct human-to-fowl interaction is how bird flu makes the leap to humans. Everyone taking up chicken-raising (if that were even practical, in urban areas) is hardly a wise idea, under the circumstances.
Reposted from
Neil MacFarquhar
U.S. Ag Secretary Rollins said on TV that Americans upset with high egg prices could raise chickens in their backyards: “The silver lining in all of this is how do all of us solve something like this? People are looking around and saying, ‘How can I get a chicken in my back yard?’ It’s awesome!”
stop to wonder if
this is deliberate?
Seems the gop is
trying to reduce the
american population
by whatever means.
IMHO. #faa #birdflu #measles #ebola
#socialsecurity #usaid #checksandbalances
#medicare #eggs
Finding a reddit w/that focus might be a good start.