i'm going to say this is just the story nancy told fritzi after nancy flew into a blackout rage and trashed the place. "it wasn't me, it was the toy airplane."
it is days like this that i am glad that the nefarious airplane struck her in the head (AND HARD) because her CRASS COMMERCIALIZATION attitude toward the "holiday" is FRIGHTENING. but soon she will be back to her joyful pranks so i will keep reading! oh nancy you have bewitched me
Merry Christmas my dears May God make it a beautiful day I want to remind you that whoever wants to do something nice on this day, there is a Palestinian family in deterioration that needs your help .You can help them live a decent life. Please help with whatever you can🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 https://bit.ly/41PZdIu
cast their spells explosive violence!