The Dis Museum is one of the best, honestly. Includes the beefs between all famous rappers, an analysis of how Will Smith was a dick for slapping Rock, and Ice Cube's No Vaseline plays as elevator music throughout
Fun fact: "Dis" is the Greek god of the underworld (Pluto for the Romans). It's also slang for disrespecting someone. And the NYSE symbol for the Walt Disney Corporation.
So Nancy, who has been helping at the museum for weeks, drags Sluggo for a visit. Sluggo’s bored and nearly breaks exhibits yet he’s offered a job and poor Nancy’s ignored.
Keep a wary eye on that Museum director, Slugs…
And it's been tested by research ..."
- "Death or Glory," The Clash
Pretty fun museum, Sluggo.
Keep a wary eye on that Museum director, Slugs…