Yeah, autistic guy here- Can confirm, as weird and awkward as my waving can sometimes be, it never gets mistaken for a nazi salute. Guess I’m just more of a “Lazily wax the car” guy.
In fact, Nazis historically killed autistics. A nazi doctor, Asperger, invented Asperger’s as a separate designation to justify killing some while allowing others to suffer alive.
Yeah. It’s why a lot of us dont want to use the term “Aspergers” anymore. Its not even an official diagnosis anymore. But a lot of autistics still use it bc they don’t realize.
It’s also SUCH so horrifically damaging to the autistic community, as well as those who need ketamine therapy (like several of my nearest and dearest).
Honestly, just own the bigotry, dude. Your bestie is in charge and he’s onboard. No need to pretend. 🙄
Truly it isn’t Elon who’s coming up with these “excuses” it’s his base. I don’t know why they feel the need too they voted for him knowing what he is. And yes I said voted for Elon because
I'm autistic, I've also never accidentally done a Nazi salute. It's an insult to autistic people to blame it on autism. He knew exactly what he was doing
Thank you. I had to unfollow an “Autism Advocate” who was talking about this. As a rule-loving, justice-seeking Autistic human, my very nature abhors fascism.
im autistic and i’d wager most of us are left leaning. a strong sense of fairness and justice is a common part of autistic values. elon is just a piece of shit
... sigh.
(Only if you're already a racist fuckwit or a nazi.)
Elon doesn't do this stuff because he's autistic, he does it because he's a Nazi asshole.
*sees this*
*closes app*
Most autistics really fucking hate Nazis.
I REALLY hate them. They are the epitome of injustice.
If I didn't have a wife and kids, I'd be on the news tomorrow, and the world would have a few less Nazis
I think those with terminal diagnosis could really do some good with their remaing time.
Legitimately have *never* seen that.
Honestly, just own the bigotry, dude. Your bestie is in charge and he’s onboard. No need to pretend. 🙄