All hate is heat, this is just called going away heat, which is basically like the difference of booing the villain and throwing tomatoes at him at a play.
It's crazy that Logan Paul working for WWE is perfect and awesome, while Mr. Boom and his son appearing for AEW is deeply offensive, considering Logan Paul is a terrible person who scams children. Those are the rules, though. Without rules, where would the internet wrestling community be?
I'm sure they were genuine. I don't see people complain about him being featured at all or about him devaluing whatever title he had or whatever. People complain incessantly about AEW featuring Big Boom AJ and his kid.
The question is, why is WWE giving this awful person a platform still? For cheap heel heat? How disappointing tbh. They can do better than that, they should.
He's the reason why I won't watch WWE right now. Originally, I didn't watch his matches. When they said he was a permanent member of the roster, I was done.
There's a three hundred character limit to posts here. It would take dozens of them to list all the things he's done that make people dislike him, even abbreviating and writing all numbers numerically and other shortenings.
Instead, let me simply say, even basic moral fibre bristles at the Pauls.
Now usually I would say that "heel" heat & "Xpac" heat are the same thing in this day & age
However this man genuinely has nothing but nuclear Xpac "go away" heat. It's not even like Dom who's lovably hateable. He's just a trash person
That's right. It's not a wrestling/character thing like when they boo Dominik or New Day, it's more like the Hogan thing, he is sincerely a bad person and people just don't want to see him again. He doesn't need to be rewarded with contracts and titles. He's a nasty person.
Well deserved.
Next should be undertaker. I would
Loooooove that !!
Hogan β
Logan β
fuck off of the wwe
Instead, let me simply say, even basic moral fibre bristles at the Pauls.
However this man genuinely has nothing but nuclear Xpac "go away" heat. It's not even like Dom who's lovably hateable. He's just a trash person