Malcolm x never gets old.
Farce on Washington. Plymouth rock. Liberal fox.
This is his political football speech. Now Bernie sanders&AOC are on tour. Trying to sucker 18 million people who left the party to come back. Or sucker real leftists or potential leftists.
Just came from Pheonix before Colorado stops. This tour started in Iowa, Des Moines to be precise. Every stop has grown exponentially to see the 34000 yesterday. It is growing, the movement is happenning!
Colorado proud!
They had a rally in Greeley CO before this event on the same day. Greeley is where Boebert is the representative and is a bright red area of the state. AOC and Bernie expected 2000 people, they got 11,000! Then they went to Denver where they expected 5000 got 34000. They are going into red areas.
We need this at every state capital on Saturday, April 5th
#Resistance Save the Date💙
Make a Plan to participate
MILLIONS must march✊🏻💙✌🏻 & more are marching! Share💙💙💙
🐻 with me!
Maybe Trump is a necessary evil and what is required by the US.
For the Dem Party to be the party of the people, in the image of AOC, Bernie, Crockett, Salwell, Murphy … this may be the catalyst.
Not to be the party of the Billionaire classes, promoted by the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer …
We are the last bastion of liberty, compassion and moral government. We need to gird our loins and fight like our lives depend on it. Because unless you are a white male MAGA-ite, they probably do.
Sanders should be preparing somene younger, a new leadership for the left, with a strong ability to merge with the the center and even with conservatives with democratic commitment. could be this leadership?
A small step YOU (yes you if you are reading this !!) can take to help !!
Call or email or TELEX the place you get news from, your newspaper or TV station or radio station or podcast
and ask why these huge rallies are not getting more attn from the media
“Yeah big crowd but who knows what oligarchy is?” “The word oligarchy is a loser.” “They’re getting people but they’re too left.” It was only Michael Steele but no one REALLY pushed back. Made me mad
Some people are late to this party so it’s important everyone finally learn. And act accordingly. And we wonder why left media is non existent and people tune out. Ffs.
“Somewhere I read of the right to gather. Somewhere I read of freedom of speech. Somewhere I read of freedom of the press. Somewhere I read that the greatness of America is the right to protest for right.” Martin Luther King Junior
Correct me if I'm wrong here. Kamala had HUGE crowds too...and she lost. These 2 aren't even running for anything...other than the "look at me, I'm the "new" voice of the people" award. No MAGA whose minds are actually changing?
I think you made the point, Joe. They aren't running for anything and people still showed up in huge numbers. Denver is blue, so this illustrated people aren't going to be complacent any longer. Big numbers in Greeley earlier in the day. That is a very red area.
That will have no bearing on anything…other than providing photo ops for 2 wannabe leaders. Again… It’s just preaching to the choir of fanboys…but enjoy yourself , I guess…
They’re compiling the irregularities as we speak. Tabulation as well as transmission. Proof is
1. Valid votes do not reflect what was transmitted to the tabulators.
2. Many votes were cancelled and not counted by the tabulators.
The work is widespread and ongoing. Stay tuned.
All the states did their own audits and they confirmed that the results were accurate. Polls before the election showed Trump was slightly ahead or tied with Kamala in all those states. He won those states because folks there liked what he was telling them.
Thank God for the lawyers, legal experts and scholars fighting for us. But these did not make up the majority of the Continental Army. We need more willing patriots to enlist.
From what I saw it was a completely safe event. 2 calls for medics (it was very crowded) but I honestly had so many friendly interactions. Kindness all around. It was beautiful.
Actually if you’re going to build a 3rd party focused on labor, working families, healthcare for all, living wages, and the protection of Social Security while everyone is upset with the horrors happening on the right and the inaction of the left, the timing is perfect. 👌🏻
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
Boycott all mainstream/legacy media. Do not share links, do not open links, unsubscribe, turn the off. They are not telling us the facts. They are gaslighting us daily! Cancel them!
Spectacular - the most uplifting thing I’ve seen in weeks! I’m sure velveeta Voldemort will be livid if his minions allow him to see this - then it’s all fake. But there’s no denying the angry crowds across the nation.
Lol Dem leadership sees this and goes "Hmmmz, how can we make Amy Klobuchar a little more like this?" instead of just embracing what's right in front of them
It’s unfortunate. Bernie’s is 82. But AOC isn’t. This is what we need. The rest of the Ds are not worth anything at this point. But look at the crowds they’re gathering. If this doesn’t tell the Ds something I don’t know what will. People are hungry the answers they are looking for leadership.
I wanted Bernie to be president because he wanted college for all and tuition free!! I have two kids in college and another one soon on the way, and it would have been very helpful to have tuition free college.
They showed up in Des Moines Iowa to a huge crowd a month ago! Think it was like 8000 Iowa! Came to Colorado from the purple state of AZ where they had huge turn outs also. They are showing up in these red places. The revolution will not be televised!
Correct both MAGA Republicans though. I get district 8 and 4 confused. Greeley is in district 8, just outside of district 4. Ma bad...same concept though.
Dianna DeGette is the representative of the 1st district of Colorado (includes Denver and Boulder). What is your beef with our Democratic Representative from Denver? Are you thinking this was Boeberts district? That is Greeley where 11,000 showed up yesterday. Not sure what you mean with your post?
This looks good at the first look, BUT it is still not enough!
Fight, America, FIGHT! Empeach this neadertal an his DOGE-accomplices!
Empeach him, as fast as you can! Otherwise he will win and crush your democracy and he will get the first dictator in american history!
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
August 1814, British soldiers invaded Washington D.C. They looted the White House and Capitol Building, and set fire to both. Dolley Madison, wife of then-president James Madison, rescued a few items from the White House moments before the soldiers arrived, but everything else was stolen or burned
This is a time for genuine hardcore patriotic Americans to stand up, exercise some Rights & Liberty to protect, to defend, to ensure the survival of our Republic, and the future of our children's freedom. This is not a time for politicians, politics, or political parties.
We also need a plan! We must put an avalanche on Republican Representatives to block efforts to disrupt #SocialSecurity, we must figure out how to protect Judges from MAGA attack and we should have an identifiable group for self-defense to make our message loud and clear!
We have a plan when Americans find their courage & freedom. It's a plan for revolution. Please see my pinned post. Until we can get an assembly of leadership together, we are taking the lead. You're welcome to message & coordinate with us. I encourage you to encourage others.
unlike the “bridge builder” wing busy canceling book tours…
Let's do it in Washington ❗️
4th of July weekend!❗️
Malcolm x never gets old.
Farce on Washington. Plymouth rock. Liberal fox.
This is his political football speech. Now Bernie sanders&AOC are on tour. Trying to sucker 18 million people who left the party to come back. Or sucker real leftists or potential leftists.
Colorado proud!
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
#Resistance Save the Date💙
Make a Plan to participate
MILLIONS must march✊🏻💙✌🏻 & more are marching! Share💙💙💙
Maybe Trump is a necessary evil and what is required by the US.
For the Dem Party to be the party of the people, in the image of AOC, Bernie, Crockett, Salwell, Murphy … this may be the catalyst.
Not to be the party of the Billionaire classes, promoted by the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer …
Call or email or TELEX the place you get news from, your newspaper or TV station or radio station or podcast
and ask why these huge rallies are not getting more attn from the media
IN particular call NYT WaPo NPR PBS
Now where is the opposition shadow cabinet?
Whatever the case, Bernie and AOC are the heroes for our times.
Americans’ acceptance or rejection of their leadership will determine the outcome.
We’re done with fascists pretending to be patriots.
We’re done waiting for the MAGAts to wake up!
it's also an awesome photo💙
That should have been challenged and exposed.
There is no way trump won all 7 swing states. musk cheated like he's cheating now.
1. Valid votes do not reflect what was transmitted to the tabulators.
2. Many votes were cancelled and not counted by the tabulators.
The work is widespread and ongoing. Stay tuned.
When you do that in Oklahoma City or Dallas, THEN it will mean something.
Does it mean something now?
It's possible Bernie and AOC have the time for this because they are not kissing corp america's ass for money.
Part of the authoritarian playbook is to make people feel isolated and helpless.
Its counterpart—namely this(!)—tends to scare the shit out of those same miscreants.
Public sentiment is off the charts. People are pissed. But need to mobilize and lead it.
Go fuck yourself!
Might be time to burn down media installations to start getting fair coverage.
Tremendous 🌞😃
This event was relevant.
Think Washington
4th of Independence Day
Fight, America, FIGHT! Empeach this neadertal an his DOGE-accomplices!
Empeach him, as fast as you can! Otherwise he will win and crush your democracy and he will get the first dictator in american history!