I have graduated to anger. I am so angry at what is happening and that our elected Democrats are such cowards. But we got this. We the people - it is on us and we will get through it.
STOP CRITICIZING DEMOCRATS.We did that with Biden and we lost.IT REALLY SCARES ME!Your anger is misplaced.I’m FURIOUS with the voters that fell for this CONMAN!
Amy,I love you but IDIOTS voted for this con again and we need to take our angry out on THEM.We need to UNITE.They are fighting albeit Schumer.Let’s put our anger out at the Republicans that have enabled this man for TEN YEARS!FFS
This response generated an idiot response from an idiot attacking Amy and I with idiot edicts and I’m here to say that they’re the exact reason Democrats are failing so miserably.
You’ll have to see for yourself because the weak sheep blocked me.
Okay, please explain how to fight. My congresscritter is sucking the orange mushroom with vigor, my senators seem to have spines but their leadership doesn't. What, specifically, am I supposed to do?
When we stand together, it works! Case in point, Tesla. Boycott of nasty companies: Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc. Like-minded individuals are standing together and getting results!
People need to learn how to fight, how to practice civil disobedience. This government and how it behaves is not something that the citizens know how to fight in the US. The rule of law is being subverted, and even as we depend on the courts, they will be swamped and not able to respond.
Nothing is more annoying than this post. When you post fight, with no place to do it, with no suggestions and nothing but impotent rage you make people want to disconnect. You are causing the very thing you don't want.
I know they’re thinking that MAGA is making everyone mad so they don’t need to do anything; we’ll all vote D next time.
That 💩 had failed US over and over again.
You’ll have to see for yourself because the weak sheep blocked me.
If we don’t stand up for our rights, our kids won’t have any.
It’s a huge power we have, and the most likely to make people vote differently.