Oooo y'all wanna show me all your mi-kitten drawings (and other races too I'm greedy show me all of them!)
(I am in your walls waiting)
(This is a promise I want to see all your works and I WILL be feral for each one)
(I am in your walls waiting)
(This is a promise I want to see all your works and I WILL be feral for each one)
The worst cowlicks and absolutely awful bedhead with their ears always smooshing it about as they sleep!
I love the idea of little practice marks too omg ;; I bet they'd be so messy and sometimes silly things like smiley faces or shapes, whatever they asked for that day!
I love them, everything from the light tipped ears to the posing to the color scheming that helps them stand out is perfect and I would in fact get lost in the Wood to come say hello 🥺
These are gorgeous, those fluffy ears and tiny tail ;;
Even the chocobo looks so kind!
Please give them all the gysahl greens and apples and carrots they could ever want as a gift from meeee
LMAO all the mi-kittens I have drawn, even my wolgraha hypothetical baby mikitten heheh
little Koana even ;;
You know Raha has to be like, the best doting dad hands down, even when he reads "a theorem of hypothetical aetheric conversions, fifth edition" to put them to bed at night
AND UR RIGJT!! The most doting, I think about it all the time gahhh 😭😭
Koana being so protective but also that fierce sibling rivalry that might happen sksbfhf
(Bonus Lamaty'i toddling after and tackling them both just cause she's bigger than them)
Look at them, they are perfect angels! They could never do anything wrong ever, see those faces are proof enough!
I love them so much and their stubby tails and folded ears, I give them both everything in my pockets
It always hits me in waves, I'll be fine and then think about my catboy's kid or him when he was little and then I am in the floor without a life alert 😭
Second pic was a response to a FC prompt about what would our OCs/WoLs would have been in a school play.
I love everything about all of this from the round lil hubby horns to the Power Pose™ in the costume 🥺
I have a very very strong need to also see a pukei pukei kigurumi version for some reason sksbdbf
But I love this!! Xaela egg beloved...
Behold, Sparrow Vulpes, Destroyer of Worlds.
And the second set in the little onesie!! These are perfect!!
I love them so much, the little horn and scale nubs-!!!
Thank you for this gift, I will treasure looking at this for all time 🥺 ✨
I also love how each favours a specific parent 🥺 they're perfect...
So there will definitely be more mi-kittens to come!
Kel would die to have more kids but he's accepted his fate 😭
He does have his adopted son though, and a daughter in the near-ish future so he's content!
mi'viera are so cute and I always get so excited when I see them in the wild ♥
I remember seeing this before and I absolutely loved them!! I still do, alyss and G'raha are such a cute couple, both as lil beans in the past and current 💖✨
I've enjoyed your gposes and work for quite some time but I am a notorious lurker and rarely comment to not be a bother akshdjdbf
But I'm trying to be better about it! so certainly keep up the fantastic work and I look forward to more in the future!
Also absolutely nothing wrong with being a lurker, I get it!
I do appreciate your kind words 😊
They all look so happy and loved too ;; I adore them all!
that was one of my favourite ones of all time and I loved getting to take a few shots before it broke on me ;; (it was that random anam update that chgd how NPCs and carbies worked and I could never get it working correctly in Brio/ktisis)
I need them... My boys....
This looks amazing!!!
Tbh I didn't think it would be as popular as it was and I am absolutely LIVING for all the Mi'kitten and other child WoLs I've been seeing! 🥺 It's the best part of all this!
they're watching mama fight for the first time :3
their eyes are so big and sweet too and the colors so vibrant I love them so much 🥺💖😭
Mama will obviously win with such a trio cheering her on!!
They look so full of life and energetic, I love every bit of it!
the bright colours and clean lines are so beautiful! And the lil floppy ears on the Viera and the upturned ones on the Elezen!! 🥺
Serotonin levels will explode through the roof, can confirm, every time I doodle Kel's little boy I feel myself leave my body with joy
D'khez sounds so loving and kind I would fistfight Zodiark for him without hesitation 💖✨
I mentioned it in another comment somewhere I definitely think that markings fade in around puberty and keep getting darker and darker as Miqo'te age :D
Truly the gift that keeps giving!
But have some Garlics and a Garlic-elf :3c as Treate
#nyxyart #nyxyocs #zoraidawirglavus #zenosyaegalvus2 #janvierdefortemps #garlean #elezen #ocxnpc
I love them all and their matching mittens!!
Her little expression and snaggletooth, the tender parent lick!!
Everything about this is so soft and warm and loving and I'm out here wailing about it!!
It makes me hella excited to keep working on them as I finish up Miqos and start on other races!
steak is such a good name as well jahebdd Im enamored ✨
Their expression too!! Perfect for the angsty gangly pre teen era