What racism against White People? As a white American military Veteran, supporting "brown" people, reporting on stories against minority groups, does not make a person racist! Nor does condemning Israels' government make one an anti-semite!
It's Bonhoeffer’s “Theory of Stupidity,” in action. I hope that in a few years these morons will either fall back under the rocks they've climbed out from, be tried, convicted, and sentenced, or maybe a handful of them will actually learn and grow. Not holding my breath on that last one.
Just keep speaking your truth as Trump tanks the country they’ll be able to hear and see it eventually. The right repeats lies over and over we can do the same with the truth.
It's lunacy. There's nothing you can do. The first interview in your latest video proved that.
There's a documentary on Jonestown from years ago where the host talks to survivors. Even after all that happened, all of the death, most went on to find another cult. There's no fix for stupidity, Mike.
The soy right have convinced themselves that white folks in the middle of the country are the most persecuted people on earth. I'm sure he has loads of examples of this discrimination
Let’s start being honest, it isn’t “just” the president. It’s the entire US government and administration who allow this to happen, and to an extent the voters have some responsibility.
Yeah Mike, you with your tattoos and your glasses and… your glistening, wavy hair, and your manly beard…. what was I saying? Oh yeah, let’s talk about anti-straight discrimination.
Ignore them. Not much you can do with complete morons like that. They definitely don’t make up half the country. However many there are, though, that’s too many.
THIS, 💯💯. Mike, I think your tats are Zaddy hot, so don't let that closeted queen of a bot account extinguish your hotness or stop you from keeping on being you! 😘💯🌈
There's a documentary on Jonestown from years ago where the host talks to survivors. Even after all that happened, all of the death, most went on to find another cult. There's no fix for stupidity, Mike.
2 x 0(non existent) still = 0
Cancer is rapidly taking over our society, and I fear if we don't take DRASTIC measures immediately it will kill us all