Yeah it's bad. It's not the worst video game movie (that's Monster Hunter) because it at least understands what Borderlands is meant to be, but it's just so... Tame. Bland. Boring.
Also Jamie Lee Curtis looks like she doesn't know what movie she's in in every scene, it's really distracting.
It's the only adaptation (that I've seen) that makes me genuinely frustrated with how it fucks up and misunderstands its source material. The effects are great, cause it's the studio who's been doing Godzilla for decades, and that's the last praise worthy thing.
Oh man I am 11 minutes into this movie and I'm already flagging yall. If I were a hack youtube reviewer I'd put my bottle of alcohol away and pull out a comically large bottle of that same alcohol
It expects you to already be familiar with Borderlands while also hinging the movies plot twist on information players know from the character select screen of Borderlands 1.
90x sure that the film was meant to be as gory as the games but lionsgate wanted to go after the guardians of the galaxy crowd, not that it would make it better of course
I'm fascinated by the decision to make this pg. They got director know for gore and an IP where people are regularly reduced to chunky salsa and they made it so bloodless.
I love the borderlands games and I wanted so bad for this to be good. I keep trying to convince myself to watch this out of duty, but I'm really just trying to figure out how Uwe Boll was involved.
I'd say it's fine with friends, but feels like I missed the boat proper on that when it comes to BL1 and 2. Got BL3 on sale, but feels like it's going to be the same thing there, they can feel quite barren, things feel like they're missing.
Your reasons are valid, they don't help.
As someone who's played Bl 1, 2 & Pre-sequel as a guilty pleasure you're not missing much. It's got some occasional moments of genuine charm in a sea of stiff shooting, dated memes & jokes. If you want a looter shooter there are far batter options out there.
This particular plotline fucks with me so much. Tina is a clone, designed specifically to open the vault? But how do you do that? How do you know it works, unless you send the clone down (with the key) and test it? "Nah bro the charts said she's good" like what the fuck is this unfinished shit?
She must have owed someone a favor. A really, really, really, REALLY big favor. Like a "remember that time I helped you bury a body in the desert with no questions asked" sized favor.
Maybe? It's honestly just boring. Bad action, not much in the way of funny writing, but never offensively bad. Just really mediocre overall, and bland.
But hey, your mileage may vary, so give it a go if curious.
On top of all the issues this movie has the icing on the cake is that greaseman Randy left Lions Gate holding the bag when it came to movie bombing. I will say this this movie might play a part in Bl4 being a flop when it comes out.
I picture Jack Black in my head being asked by his agent to stop being in hot garbage, as his character in Tropic Thunder. Tied to a tree Odessyeus-style
I'm always amazed by shit writing in movies. Like, "JFC I could have written (directed/acted) that scene WAY better!" 😄 Probably not, of course, but even a crap movie can be saved by good writing.
Also Jamie Lee Curtis looks like she doesn't know what movie she's in in every scene, it's really distracting.
A good studio did a good job. Fuck.
It's not even funny bad. It's simply awful 😞
Like I don't know what Kevin Hart was thinking, this certainly wasn't his type of film.
The Robot was continuously annoying and compared to the game it's based on, it really was a garbage story write up
I want to see the bins, I want to see the timeline. I highly doubt I can make better, but I'm just curious.
Perhaps the series is fine independent of Randy Pitchford’s scumminess or this movie… but MAN do neither of them help.
Your reasons are valid, they don't help.
You know, Lilith... The first playable Siren… The person they introduced as “The Siren” in the first game…
Really tells you who they made this movie for
The plot is close enough to be recognisably Borderlands, while being wrong enough to annoy any Borderlands fans.
And the editing often feels like they shot the film expecting an R-rating, but decided on PG later without wanting reshoots.
I'm sorry for your suffering here 🫡
But hey, your mileage may vary, so give it a go if curious.
That's it. The rest was bad. Oh, oh so bad.
The movie itself is just kinda bland and boring Sci-Fi imo.