DJT: The man who turned the White House into a reality TV show. Every policy is a punchline, each tweet a tantrum, and the American Dream is just another episode to be canceled. His legacy? A nation more divided, a democracy dented, and a truth so twisted it might as well be fiction.
An extra special place in HELL!
Do you think he was laughing when he thought he was dying from covid?
But Mc Cain was no war heroe n Obama, not American. He's such a genius that led us to an epidemic that was just a cold n bleach was the cure
I hope it gets canceled
They'll "cleanse" us - those with zero inherited wealth are worth nothing to society - we must DIE - no vax, no disease research no ss no healthcare- we. DIE.
signed tRump, rfk elmo vance.
Trump will try to be dictator on day 1.
Watch From Russia with Lev, if you haven't, to see just how horrible it really was.
I mean, chaos was Obama's guiding principle for change, wasn't it?
Trump will try to be dictator on day 1
will become a saint after he passes on
Trump has been positioned as the figurehead for a criminal Russian organization targeting the U.S. Constitution.