MAGA supporters see what some call an independent streak as a sign Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett isn't sufficiently aligned with or loyal to President Trump.
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It's deeply disturbing to see a news outlet reporting this as being completely normal and legitimate "opinion". I thought the Supreme Court (and other courts) were your only real guardrails left to protect the population from having a dictator?
maga = make america GARBAGE again Most of the Repubs, (a few actually have some sense and do their jobs) are right on track, mindless along with sleepy ole President DonFelon Plump, aka "Putinsbitch"
Just another sign of MAGA ignorance and stupidity! A Supreme Court justice is appointed for life. Is supposed not to be influenced by any political party or agenda.
MAGA seems to think they are supposed to be their personal legal guardians! They aren’t !
Mark my words Trump will decide that in the interest of national security he has the right and obligation as president to fire Supreme Court justices to protect the country. He will do it and they will buckle
She is a true believer, unlike all the others. That was the dumbest pick they could have made. The others are just obsessed with having power, & they have no morals.
She doesn't give a flying f*ck about Trump, all she cares about are her deeply held beliefs.
But at the end of Trump’s 100 minute monolog of lies Tuesday night Trump walked up to SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts and said, on camera, “Thanks for that. I won’t forget you”… referring to last summer’s ruling making Trump immune from prosecution for anything he does in office or out…
Trump always has problems with the true believing religious nuts - Pence was one, now Cony Barrett is another. Problem is they actually like their version of Jesus better than Trump himself - so have some sort of weird independence of action, that occasionally, almost accidentally, is for good…..
Shhhhh……. Don’t talk about it. It’s like my kids, the second you tell them they are doing a good job, they go and get into trouble. Just let it her alone right now.
How many Mega supporters have even read the US Constitution? For that matter, this last minority opinion causes me to wonder how many of that group of 4 have read the constitution. Alito didn't even address the crux of the case....he just spewed irrelevant outrage. Past his prime.
Typical…if you can’t win fairly, change the rules. The bar is pretty high though…I don’t think they can do it. But give him much more time… and he’ll suspend it under Marshall law. We need drastic action soon to prevent that. The judiciary is our last hope…and I’m not betting on SCOTUS
I saw some of the remarks that MAGAs made about her today on LieSocial. Those people are scary, and they don't seem to have any fear of making threats about her online. But it's Trump's website and he probably welcomes them.
god how do none of them have a problem with being so blatantly fascist as to be concerned more with 'loyalty to the leader' than to the country or even just y'know, competence
Thomas and Alito are bought. They should be dismissed. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch have no backbone. Barrett and Roberts seem to respect the constitution. But they all allowed this president to feel that he is a king and above the law. So fuck them all.
She is supposed to be loyal to the constitution not any one person or a belief system. Anyone who expects anything other than that— is unAmerican and not nearly as Patriotic as they would believe themselves to be. Nationalists probably.
= kiss ass sell your soul
“It’s all good” my precious?
MAGA seems to think they are supposed to be their personal legal guardians! They aren’t !
She doesn't give a flying f*ck about Trump, all she cares about are her deeply held beliefs.
The entire Republican party is trying to dismantle the last guardrail in their way.
Find these courtrooms, these hearings and attend them to show your support for the judge and the constitution.
Just sayin'