Telling Americans that they don't have Constitutional freedoms is about as dumb as it gets, as ridiculous as it gets, as uncalled for as it gets! If you people are buying any of this BS then you need to check that IQ you "think" you have. Thank God you were born here! Appreciate it! Relish in it!
This is great and all. But we need someone bringing unholy hellfire down on the trump administration. Where's the passion? Where's the anger? We want both.
Bernie's robot scare is just mindless. Rather than focus on the real harm being done in front of his own eyes he, instead, choses the terror of those rogue robots we've all seen in movies to try to scare people. It's a tragic waste of breath and comical if he weren't so in ernest.
AOC and Bernie are true Democrats in the mold of JFK, RFK, Ted Kennedy, and LBJ. We need more like them! Since the GOP moved an insane distance to the far right, we have only had “Democrats Lite”. The Dems need to energize and remember their history.
Omg it was massive thousands of Americans looking for absolutions from the Trump regime. I watched it it was incredible! See it on YouTube!! My fav pic of Bernie waiting for Trump to resign!! lol
This is the exact reason we lose elections. So they believe the young men & working class white men who we lost in droves & who listen to Rogan & other right leaning podcasts are now clamoring for Bernie & AOC? I guess they forgot the last 3 Dems who won the presidency were moderates. We’re doomed 🤦🏻♂️
LOL Those precious "alpha" Zs better get their heads out of their arses, stop whining and wanking & tune into Reality. Their choices in leadership will doom their future. It's clear as day for those with their heads up on their shoulders...
Pay attention during primary season because that's where Dems actually fight (the left).
If the candidate is taking corporate donations, vote for someone else. And tell the corporate candidate that's why you didn't vote for them, otherwise they'll never learn.
Learn what a corporation is. Learn how a corporation is formed. See: Articles of Incorporation. Every non-profit is a type of corporation; every city, town, and village is a fucking corporation. The evil corporation rhetoric is just stunningly ignorant. Learn to distinguish good ones from bad.
You're not gonna win people over by insulting them, so fuck off. 🙃
When a corporation donates to a politician, the odds are overwhelming that it's to increase profits and not to help other people. The problem is liberals are always trying to whitewash corporations so they can collect cash.
It’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap
Absolutely love this rally/tour. It could be the sane and focused answer to Trump's nonelection year rallies 2017-2019. Let's make these count! Clarify who DEMS are, who they represent, and what the detailed plan is to restore order and freedom in the US.
It's because she'd be successful.
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
Trump's billionaire Commerce Secretary says
that seniors won't care if they don't get their Social Security checks —
and that anyone who does complain is a fraudster.
Commerce Secretary’s unconscious “Projections”
the Dangers of Psychological Projection
If the candidate is taking corporate donations, vote for someone else. And tell the corporate candidate that's why you didn't vote for them, otherwise they'll never learn.
When a corporation donates to a politician, the odds are overwhelming that it's to increase profits and not to help other people. The problem is liberals are always trying to whitewash corporations so they can collect cash.
Is it the Lochness Monster?
From orange clown to Mabeline clown.
You MAGATS are a riot!!
Tariffs are to extort and break alliances.