My friend Amelia died today and this seems doom and gloomy but just reading the comments on her Facebook page that all talk about how she always helped other people and was so fun- and it reminded me how much you can change things even with one little life
I've got a new family. Someone I work with closely was able to transition right in the wake of the election, to the support of her peers. My friends are responding to the world situation with appropriate gravity.
All of those things give me strength to fight tomorrow.
Seeing so many people around me eager to organize and excited about it, and me joining them. Doing support things I've done for years - donating to abortion funds, to free educational programs, to my community. There are people who have always had it worse than me - if they can go on, I can too.
I've been slowly realizing the thing I'm sad about has never existed. That means I don't need to mourn it, I can just push for it instead. Also, there's too many good smart kind kickass people on this planet to just let us quit.
Yeah, therapy helps and it's easier than I'm making it sound but I kinda went "...dude, this idyllic reality you're sad we'll never reach has never happened. You don't need to be sad, but keep pushing the rock towards it."
That some of the seeds planted with my kids are bearing fruits after several years. Definitely has me excited to keep scattering seeds and tending to what grows (with them and elsewhere)!
Aint no way he finishes this term. No way. + Caitlin Clark starts playing hoops again in a few mths. ppl are going to go bananas when this tariff nonsense hits the fan. It will be a nice expensive wake up call just like the mass deportation riots will be. Out of this shit show will come a reckoning.
I will give birth in a few days, and I thought that I had to have picked the worst time ever to do that. But now I realize my son will see firsthand how ugly this world is and what an act of rebellion it will be to be kind. To be empathetic. I'll get to see the world through new eyes.
New parenthood (may not be related if it is not new for you) brought me into a whole new scope of time and the world and sense of self that also changes how I approach the future. I hope you have what you need in your birth experience!
Thank you! This is my first, and probably only child. It's interesting how much I feel my perspective on the world has changed before he's even arrived. Looking forward to getting to know him in an ever-changing world.
Reading history. Listening to stories from people who have lived with war and oppression for most of their lives. It only feels hopeless when one has not discovered that times of pain and sorrow are never without joy and happiness, they live side by side.
The flowers are literally acclimated to our climate (and our yard!) and I just think it's cool af
Im super excited to see what happens this summer.
Love it! Got any links?
And the energetic babble of younger organizers when they realize I've magic'd a barrier away but they still have to make their project happen.
Nothing monumental but its worth looking forward to…
All of those things give me strength to fight tomorrow.
Humans might die out, but the world, with various wildlife, will still be there.
I don't know why, but this cheers me up.
If I can power through that and make the world a slightly better place, I can power through anything. 🥳