For me it was when I got out of the army and spent some time homeless while I looked for work. Basically realized that even in California the resources available to people in unstable housing conditions were unironically worse than no help at all.
I'm reminded that one of the causes of the Flint Water Crisis was big businesses in Detroit not paying their water bills, but never getting cut off either.
So other customers like Detroit residents and Flint have to pay out the nose to subsidize corporate thieves. These rules don't exist for them.
I'm so mad about it that if you get my books/audiobooks off Gumroad where I control terms (unlike Amazon or Udemy) it is literally under "Friends-and-Family Sharing License," you can outright copy the files to anyone you know directly. isn't piracy. f capitalism share stuff
One of my favorites I saw in an anarchist zine was "then contents of this publication are protected by copyright only if you believe in that shit. Otherwise you can do whatever you want with it"
It sounds like a joke. But there are people that want to tax these exchanges. Even well meaning people have told me this is how rich people obscure their assets and spending when it comes to things like divorce, etc.
As though we should tailor our existence to a few examples.
Back when I was in primary school they took us to church. On the way there was a homeless man laying under a hedge, with a teacher there making sure we didn't get too close. In the church we heard a sermon about the Good Samaritan. On the way back they crossed the road to avoif him.
I went to one of the teachers and asked. I thought it was a test, we'd just heard a sermon about NOT crossing the road to avoid helping someone.
I was FLOORED to hear that Netflix started using location data to crack down on Password sharing, and their account numbers ACTUALLY WENT UP as opposed to the service crashing and burning.
There's a concerning number of people out there that literally just go "Oh well!" in the face of abject evil.
There's no way that's illegal, I don't know how you could possibly write a constitutional law prohibiting you from giving anyone your own water that you paid for on your own property that you pay for.
I bet you're already aware of Cory Doctorow, but if you're not, I think you'd enjoy his stuff! I don't know how to add a profile link here but he's
When I found out it's illegal to put money in an expired meter you happen to see. Give a stranger a couple of bucks for no reason other than being nice? Not in MY country!!!
So other customers like Detroit residents and Flint have to pay out the nose to subsidize corporate thieves. These rules don't exist for them.
let them borrow your videogame?
they used equipment you bought?
you gave them a ride with gas that was for use to transport yourself as the authorized property owner of that vehicle?
did you tell someone something you ever paid to learn about?
stop right there criminal scum
As though we should tailor our existence to a few examples.
I went to one of the teachers and asked. I thought it was a test, we'd just heard a sermon about NOT crossing the road to avoid helping someone.
...and I got detention for it.
There's a concerning number of people out there that literally just go "Oh well!" in the face of abject evil.
*not actually free. Very expensive, in fact.