My sister lived in CA for many years. She came back to Chicago for Thanksgiving one year and it was 40 and drizzly and we were all worried she’d hate it. She came out of the airport and with a giant smile said, “I seriously miss this weather!”
Luckily we’ve got a month or so left until the novelty arrives again and overstays its welcome. I feel like the rainy seasons have been getting heavier every year
Funny a lifetime ago I worked at a talent agency in LA & would put out the calls to parents for interviews for commercials. One time I was telling them to bring a rain coat and golashes for the interview...most of them had no rain coats for their kids and not a one of them knew what golashes were!
The weather is gorgeous in West Palm Beach now.
But when it rains, I look up at the heavens and smile. Because I realize Trump can’t play golf today.
My theory of LA: the weather is so nice that it recedes into the background, it does not provide a shared experience. In more temperate areas, everyone is impacted by a blizzard, etc., and that shared experience gives a sense on community.
Sometimes watching the news up in Canada, 🇨🇦 I wish I had the LA weather job! Dang, you could just tape it once and hit replay every morning from home! “Another sunny day in LA” “keep those umbrellas under wraps!” Air quality a bit below normal but get out there and make a difference! 😈🤣🫶🏽
Right after the election by daughter and her family took me with them to London. They live in L.A. My grandchildren were thrilled with the cloudy and rainy days!
No you don't. We just enjoyed the first sunny day today in three weeks of dark and you can't believe how much it changes your outlook to have some sunlight
The problem with the constantly perfect weather in LA is you forget the weather can change so when it is rainy you can’t enjoy it because you just assume it will be miserable forever and the sun will never shine again.
Me: Can’t just stay inside a read a book of binge watch a tv show as it’s stunning weather outside. C’mon clouds, appear an make it rain!
Also me: why rainy? I would love to go for a walk and take dip in the ocean. What am I going to do now?
Easy to grow stuff!
But when it rains, I look up at the heavens and smile. Because I realize Trump can’t play golf today.
Not sure if that was specifically about LA but it feels LA.
It's perfect, if you like miserable things.