Thank you for describing the Fisk murder in today’s “Letter”. Brought back memories of stories told me as a boy by my father (a historian). And provided great context.
The way I discovered that huge scandal was that I knew something dramatic must have happened in early 1872 because of the rest of the year’s rhetoric. Searched the papers, and WHAM! People creating their own meaning over a murder. Reminded me at the time of OJ. Kinda thinking now is similar.
I wrote up the story in West from Appomattox. Notes there, but just searching the newspapers around the date shows the story everywhere. Or search for books about Stokes on google books, sorting for “full view.” That should turn up the potboilers.
I found your Letters. Turns out I've been subscribing for a while. Who knew? I have the worst memory for names in the universe. Anyway, the parallels between Fisk and Thompson are evident. I guess there really isn't anything new under the sun.
Happy New Year! As we step into this fresh start, I wanted to reach out and connect. I’ve always enjoyed your posts—they’re so uplifting and inspiring. I noticed we’re not friends yet, I tried writing to you but it didn’t go through. I'd love us to be friends here and get to know ourselves!