Protest peacefully. Stop consuming anything but necessities. Support businesses that do not contribute to the Maga cult. America Inc. can't continue without our spending. Prepare for your social security to be given to oligarchs. Defy their plan in every way. Project 2025 is here. Resist.
Save Social Security! Travel to Florida CD-1 to Canvas for Gay Valimont for Congress. The campaign has limited supporter housing for volunteers. Help knock on doors any time this month. Election is April 1. If you can't go, recruit your friends.
I too am a big fan of Lincoln’s July 10, 1858 speech in Chicago, which you cite here. In it we see his love of equality, his hatred of slavery, and his support for immigration—all things the present-day Republican Party scorns and attacks in favor of bolstering oligarchy.
Dismantling federal government and giving power to individual states would be a great move if you wanted to eventually destroy or withdraw from the union and achieve secession. Oh, hang on.
It will be interesting to see which states any remaining agencies get moved to. Surely it wouldn't be red!
Why have federal gov at all? All the states just become their own individual country. We won't need all those in Congress who are doing the dismantling. No president needed either. Just one military shared by all. 🤷♀️
Musk doesn't care about human pain probably because of his type of autism. He's apparently oblivious to what most of us consider anti-social behavior. So no surprise he doesn't understand the fuss.
Your clear-eyed newsletters help my sister and I gain perspective, and stay sane. May our democracy withstand yet another test. Thank you for what you do for us.
Professor, great piece today. We are, on a national level, witnessing the reemergence of the antebellum southern “master class” mentality led by tech billionaire followers of Ludwig von Mises
Tonight’s post, as many of your others, put things in a historical perspective. It makes me feel like when I moved out on my own for the first time. Everything had been done for me before, and now I had to figure out how to take responsibility. It was just “my time.” It’s “our time” now.
“ #Oligarchs out, #democracy in.” HCR demonstrates the power of storytelling. Weaving an #American historic narrative, that explains how #WeThePeople have risen to take back power in the past, lights our path forward. Gifted orators take note of this rhetorical technique to drive action w/ emotion.
Save Social Security! Travel to Florida CD-1 to Canvas for Gay Valimont for Congress. The campaign has limited supporter housing for volunteers. Help knock on doors any time this month. Election is April 1. If you can't go, recruit your friends.
1/2 Two things are clear to me after reading this Letter: 1. We need one of the new-media sources to focus on promoting and reporting on all the protests around the country. I've seen some focused on lawsuits, and one focused on monopolies, but not on protests specifically.
2. The perversion of interpreting civil rights laws as protecting cis, straight, white men has to finally stop. Maybe the blatant flipping of those laws upside down right now will finally force us to solidify and clarify them. Racism should not be a term that can be used to protect white supremacy!
Thank you, Heather, for always presenting the clear, unvarnished truth...even throughout these gloomy days.
I surely wish every American would read your newsletters and keep their heads out of the sand. We need action from our Democrat members of Congress, and of course, do our parts as well.☺️
This morning, Paul Krugman notes that Musk blames "a conspiracy organized by five people, three of whom happen to be Jewish and two of whom happen to be dead": George Soros, Reid Hoffman, Herbert Sandler, Patricia Bauman and Leah Hunt-Hendrix.
As they continue to gut/eliminate federal programs that our taxes pay for, someone needs to explain to me what I’m paying federal taxes for…’cuz right now it seems like nothing. If I’m just an NPC, then they don’t deserve my taxdollars if I receive no benefit.
If we go from government spending to private spending, does that mean the taxes we already pay will now go to corporations instead of government agencies? Corporations like SpaceX. Muskrat accuses social security of being a Ponzi scheme. This sounds like the biggest Ponzi scheme in American history.
Yes, we have to come together as Americans to fight this fascism. Everybody do what they can. Bernie has been out there drawing huge crowds and tens of thousands of people in red states, and yet I read more and more posts from “blue MAGA” fighting him instead of tRump. What is wrong in this country
When something seemingly so simple, such as a lack of historical perspective, can result in the compromising and probably infiltration of our very government, it highlights with shocking clarity the importance of being taught history. And the dysfunction brought by our adulterated form of education. now I am fangirling and it is my 55th birthday. Thank you for everything that you do to teach us and help save democracy in the process.
This is scary and so on point. Each of groups in the Trump coalition has an outgroup. They aren't the same -- for Christian Nationalists its those who aren't annointed; for MAGA its liberals; for Musk it's -- I don't really know exactly. Whoever it is their interests can be disregarded.
For Musk it's what he calls NPCs, non-play characters, which is everyone he thinks is not really human. In role playing games (RPGs), the people who play real characters pass thru a world filled with NPCs. You talk to NPCs to get info and items, but they are not people and you kill them whenever.
NPC also denotes that everyone exists JUST to be background dressing for the Main Character's power fantasy. "Main Character Syndrome" is what it's called when applied to people in real life. :(
Thank you so much. These are the warnings I’ve been trying to convey for a decade now and you’ve done it so succinctly with historical references people can use to see these inherent truths. I think people will now be able to see an understand because the evidence is all around. Thank you.
“[Northerners were]thunderstruck and stunned; and we reeled and fell in utter confusion. But we rose each fighting, grasping whatever he could first reach…” Lincoln’s words, so poignant for this moment, shining like that city on a hill. Beautifully done, Heather Cox Richardson❤️thank you for this.
Flip the House!
(w. apologies to Shakespeare)
It will be interesting to see which states any remaining agencies get moved to. Surely it wouldn't be red!
So much gratitude for these notable VT, ME, MA, CT, RI powerhouses: Sanders, Balint, Mills, Warren, Murphy, Whitehouse. (NH: MIA 😔)
Watch them ROAR!
A handy link:
Flip the House!
Your letters got me through the tRump 1.0 years, and they sure help now.
I surely wish every American would read your newsletters and keep their heads out of the sand. We need action from our Democrat members of Congress, and of course, do our parts as well.☺️
They don’t care who suffers or dies.
Thank you for posting this.