Seeing info about a Brown University professor and kidney transplant specialist Trump deported to Lebanon - we don't know who he's deporting, where he's sending them, who pays for this - starting with folks who won't get their transplants We are not at war. There is no foreign invasion. We don't know who any of these people are, because no one bothered to ask. The country is on fire. We need immediate action. There is no time left.
Fantastic run-down of how things are running down.
I'm ashamed to admit, I don't know what a judge can do with outright disobedience to an order like that. Can't he send federal marshals to arrest the people charged with calling the plane?
The Japanese internment camps detained US citizens. The United States government apologized. Does an apology mean that the United States won’t use the Act to currently detain U.S. citizens?
In my opinion the constitutional crisis is upon us. A court order was defied and ridiculed. We are now living in a lawless country! We have absolutely no way of stopping the madman who occupies the Whitehouse.
Last night, El Salvador’s president reposted an article explaining that a federal judge had ordered the planes to return to the U.S., adding the comment: “Oopsie… Too late,” with a laughing emoji. Secretary of State Marco Rubio reposted it.
Heather thank you again for anchoring us in truth and providing historical context at this crucial time. It’s a scary time but better to be in it with eyes wide open.
Thank you, Professor! I always appreciate your historical perspective towards current events. Hopefully, something can be done to end this nightmare. 😖
If the US and the Krasnov Administration is going to war against the Rule of Law and the US Constitution, taking it to the Supreme Court will take 20 years.
Heather, how do you stay sane? It all feels so heavy. I’m a mom and my heart just breaks for my kids, for the innocent lives caught up in this cruelty. I’m determined to fight, but some nights, I just want to cry. Thank you for your tireless, wonderful work❤️
If a president defies a federal judge’s order, it’s game on: appeals fly, Congress might step in, courts push back, and the rule of law gets tested. Ignore it too long? Welcome to a constitutional crisis. #RuleOfLaw
Victor Hugo
So, there is that, too.
This was totally enlightening (and frightening).
There's "an immigration activist who tracks deportation flights"! A testament to the fact that individuals can make a difference in this country...
Thank you as always for your essential blend of reporting and historical fact.
God? 😂
I'm ashamed to admit, I don't know what a judge can do with outright disobedience to an order like that. Can't he send federal marshals to arrest the people charged with calling the plane?
Guess it's GO time...
I know I probably should, to show support and add to the numbers, but it feels like pasting a target on my family's back, you know?
Doing all I can from the shadows.
How's that for dis- (or is it mis-) information?
Oh wait! I have met the enemy and it is US!
If the US and the Krasnov Administration is going to war against the Rule of Law and the US Constitution, taking it to the Supreme Court will take 20 years.