If you want to be a content creator, just start making videos with whatever equipment you have right now!
If you keep waiting to get the "best" equipment before making videos, you're really just making excuses for yourself ;-;
If you keep waiting to get the "best" equipment before making videos, you're really just making excuses for yourself ;-;
I think for some it's also a perfectionism thing. "If I can't do it good enough then why bother" that kind of thing
And then they feel terrible because they procrastinated but its more complicated than just "laziness"
Just do it! Anyone reading, go do that thing you put off, you got this!
Step two: make another thing (and try to improve)
Step 3: go back to step 2
it's more of an insecurity of "what if it's not good enough"
well at least that was the case for me :')
I have no pc
So ive been using my phone for a few years
1st on youtube then moved over to twitch
All on my phone
You can go on YouTube and search "how to make X [look/sound/etc] good". You'll find techniques or software to improve the quality or make it *seem* higher quality
audacity does wonders when used correctly