I'm Amercian, so i wanna be cautious here.. commenting on external politics, but would the malapropism: "You've shit the bed, now lay in it" fit here? Heh.
Losing seats or not standing for re-election MPs get “loss of office payments” – at twice the rate of statutory redundancy pay – plus
the winding-up payments .
Held really senior position (been ministers). Well that includes Nadine Dorries and Jonathan Gullis.
Problem is they think they are just going to get offered a bunch of non exec director positions where they earn tidy sums for a few days a year just because they’ve been an MP.
*clicks fingers*
Gullis could easily earn £575 a week if he just applied himself with some fruit & veg picking and a side gig with Deliveroo.
So why doesn't he‽
the winding-up payments .
Problem is they think they are just going to get offered a bunch of non exec director positions where they earn tidy sums for a few days a year just because they’ve been an MP.
Regular sex, anyway