CF Sylvain grew a beard in the five year timeskip. This inspired Ferdinand and Caspar to grow theirs, then eventually Hubert followed but he insisted it was only a coincidence and he had actually been considering it a long time. Linhardt chose to ignore what they were all doing.
Only Sylvain's ever looked good, but he let it get too long and it lost its charm. They all got so into beard care that Edelgard had to order them to shave. By the time Byleth they weren't allowed to talk about it again which is why we never heard about it.
This headcannon unfortunately only works for CF because I firmly believe every other house has at least one other person who could grow a good beard and also be normal about it (Dedue, Raphael, debatably Claude but he and Ignatz can definitely do good facial hair in general).
There's a cranky black cat at the monastery that only likes Annette. All of the Blue Lions call it Felix. Felix has never hated another living creature more in his life.
idk if this is sufficiently goofy, but I was just thinking about how much I love when modern AUs turn Crusher into a Big Dog that tiny Annette walks everywhere 🐶
Omgggg I would love to read this fic! Like they are blatantly fighting and people think Annette is insane for battling against Dimitri so aggressively 🤩🤩🤩
I have a headcanon that the real reason Felix dislikes sweets so much is because once whenever he was a young child he ate soooo many sweets in one sitting and it made him vomit so hard it changed his life forever
Sylvain needs glasses and everyone but him has realized this. His friends keep trying to gently suggest it but he ignores them bc he thinks they're just teasing. He then tries on someone's glasses as a joke and can suddenly see leaves 😌 he's so embarassed that he refuses to admit he needs them.
Goofy actually did die during the second visit to Hollow Bastion, and every other appearance of him has been a hallucination of the remaining characters.
Oh like silly headcanons
I think Annette is followed by a poltergeist who moves barrels in her way as soon as she starts running.
In some variations of the ending where Leonie and Felix become clowns, Felix is still with Annette, and so naturally he asks her to teach him how to trip and fall more comedically. He doesn't understand at first why Annie gets mad about this.
One of them, but I think that his number one nightmare is Annette telling him she hates him. Makes him order a TON of sweets for her, and she's like "Felix, are you okay? It's not my birthday, you know."
annette’s doing it for her personal pride while dimitri’s doing it for *other* reasons LMAO
Oh like silly headcanons
I think Annette is followed by a poltergeist who moves barrels in her way as soon as she starts running.