Latest Baseball Hall of Fame projections with 152 ballots in's Tracker. Carlos Beltrán's chances of joining Ichiro Suzuki, CC Sabathia, and Billy Wagner have increased since last week, but his current add/drop trends still leave him on pace to finish in the low 70s.
Assuming he builds a bit more this week (from +11% atp last yr to ~14% -> 80% which is similar to 23 -> 24 jump for pre-results), he would still need close to 20% jumps for the post-results ballots and private ballots. A tall task to say the least...
It indeed feels like election is certain next year for him. Should be a good sign for Andruw too, who can't afford stalling like he did in '24.
If not him, who? Please don't say Altuve.
I'm not trying to defend Beltran, but the Astro scandal DOES NOT DIMINISH what he did in his career prior.
Altuve was the only one with the spine not to use it, and still he has randos throwing him under the bus whilst defending the guy who orchestrated it! Wild.
I'm just saying, don't be surprised if it happens to Altuve, which it probably will. Still, like Beltran, it isnt right.