… tall tales of their criminal past to guests. Ed doesn’t know who any of these people are. What if someone is looking for them? No more “front of house / back of house” bullshit. They both need to do everything to make this place a success. Applejack can only help so much, he’s drunk half the time.
(seriously, just listen to it)
It rings so true that their fear of abandonment and self-esteem is keeping Gentlebeard talking honestly to each other. But I have faith in PirateDad!
AND?!? 👏👏👏
Is Izzy gonna manifest as a ghost purely through fury? Make himself known by saying ‘Edward I don’t need to hear about your STUPID relationship problems, give me strength’
Wrong time, wrong place.
So yeah maybe another move soon?...
Too much work and no time to communicate!
They should have opened a bookshop! 😤
(leaves the room weeping)
Just give up your pension, you're too young for it!!
Someone needs their swashes buckled STAT
We need s3, please, God
Edit: forgot to add #OurFlagMeansDeath
If we need to crowd fund this thing, get the word out. Even if it's filmed on phones as a 'The Office' type documentary of the inn. Anything.
of the house with the guests. Snarky Stede is not having it! #SaveOfMD #OurFlagMeansDeath #Gentlebeard
Like, Izzy thought that Ed could only be free from Blackbeard if he thought Izzy was gone. So when he woke up (they're canonically terrible at confirming if someone is alive) and crawled out of that grave, he left... 👀
(Literally yesterday I was saying “Ed you need to get your shit together” so)
Though Stede is probably more bitchy & stressed here than using his Captain Voice. Poor boys, they need a break from innkeeping to sort this out 🫂❤️🩹
"We're having a day!" was FOR Ed,not telling Ed that what he was focusing on was wrong...
(don't mind me,I just want hugs and kisses!)
We need them cuddling and kissing softly David please 🥺🙏❤️
What a delightful jaunt on a cold and miserable day. Thank you!😊
(this is why I'm not a screenwriter 🤣 )