Being black is tiring.
Being Gay is tiring.
Being an adult is tiring.
Living in America is tiring.
Chasing money is tiring.
Chasing dreams is tiring.
Dating is tiring.
If you see a black man screaming in the middle of the street in Atlanta it’s just me. Lol
Being Gay is tiring.
Being an adult is tiring.
Living in America is tiring.
Chasing money is tiring.
Chasing dreams is tiring.
Dating is tiring.
If you see a black man screaming in the middle of the street in Atlanta it’s just me. Lol
Instead of screaming, check into a hotel. Sure you have a bed at home, but hotel sleep just sleeps deeper. And you can have a below average breakfast without having to cook it or really do the dishes...
Being a woman in tech is tiring
Being a person who cares is tiring
Being a creative person amidst the destruction of America is tiring.
I hope you find what refreshes your soul so you can keep heading upstream. There is much to find among the others headed upstream.
I actually think you have hit on something here. We should have a national scream day.
Ps, old disabled white dyke here. All are tiring but not as tiring as this
make them really hear us.
I often find myself unsafe and unwelcome in groups that claim to be for the community. Even when they are black led.
so im Just taking precautions .
But I’m sure you know this sort of thing has to remain an open dialogue. Because it never really ends up being as simple as a set of rules and written welcomes. And a community has different opinions throughout it.
I will speak up where necessary, but it’s not gonna be easy
vent that shit to have a better tomorrow.
Can I scream with you and then give you a big hug because we probably both need one right now?
- Flying
- Driving While Black (DWB)
- Being Hispanic, Arab, Asian, Gay, Female, Recently Born, a Student, Anyone Anywhere
- Being Among People
- Being Old, Disabled or Sick
- Day to Day Living
- Being Among People
- Being Among People
Being under 40 is tiring.
And the parts I don’t understand due to inexperience or ignorance, I will work to understand through your words.
May understanding, solidarity and kindness rule the day in the end.