I would love it if you can provide updates on climate disasters after the initial news cycle has passed. I feel like I have heard no reporting from major news organizations about how North Carolina is doing now several months after the initial event.
We know we're going to be thrown a lot of misinformation, disinformation, and distractions the next four years; I love the good climate news and also think a good supplement might be a focus on cutting through the noise to what the national EPA is doing/not doing.
Thanks for what you do! I add myself to those liking the Good Climate News. Although without a direct connection with my subject, I retell them often in my lessons, e.g. when someone is feeling down. I personally need realistic hope. Steps in the right direction, even if small, provide me that.
I really appreciate Good Climate News. I would love a video or even series about what you consider the best sources for reliable climate and sustainability science as we head into peak disinformation age. And the best orgs the public can help with volunteering/calls/donations.
I agree with those asking for ways to get involved. I'm pretty sick of getting a list of individual solutions to systemic problems. I've had reusable grocery bags forever, but that made no dent in the amount of plastic bag usage.
Then a state law came around. Big impact! How do we get more of that? (Knowing full well there will be externalities from that law. Would also love to see the science on those!)
I’d honestly love some guidance on how one “gets involved” with climate action at congressional levels. People tell you ti “get involved,” but having someone having a list of ways beyond donating would be less overwhelming
I enjoy hearing about innovations that are actually (close to) in use & efforts like Mossy Earth to rewild areas. But also what we can do to support public policy, and what policies are being introduced, good or bad.
I would also love tips on things to do at home to reduce or reverse our own impact on the climate.