I have a question for you all, what's your favorite and least favorite things about ESO please be respectful and critical not rude and hateful thank you! #ESO #ESOfam
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I really love the content... I like both PvP and PvE. Questing has some great stories, but in older areas.
My least favorite thing is how the game enables bad actors. It's so easy for jerks to harass people in both PvP and PvE, yet ZOS ignores complaints about harassment.
🪙 Being able to revisit locations,
🪙 still feels like Vivec City needs an upgrade quest for the writs area, be nice to see it in a canton.
🧰 Inventory management,
🧰 the default UI is dated (Pixel UI addon is so nice)
❤️ I love how many things there are to do besides questing, I get so wrapped up in housing I forget there's more to the game lol
💔 I wish they would allow time to pass, some of their boldest ideas have no footing because they refuse to go past the war (looking at you High Isle and Gold Road)
I love the fact that ESO is a game that lets you explore the majority of Tamriel. When I first played Skyrim abd Oblivion I've always wanted to explore outside the game map. It is also just a relaxing game to farm
I think my least favorite part is the toxic part of the fanbase and how expensive or time consuming it is to either change or fully level a character. Like I wish it was easier to get your alts fully level and prepared for end game content or cheaper to make changes to existing characters
Yea I love the exploration I actually have something planned showcasing that and I actually didn't know they used AI chat monitoring it's upsetting but it's not like the worse use of AI Atleast if they ever do art or something though we riot
Favorite: the non linear progression allows you to make builds centered around a multitude of skills and play styles. You can come back after playing for a while and normally your build works just as well or better than it used to.
Least Favorite: not cross platform and the market system is bad
What I wish for is for a universal method of trading like the market board in FF14 or more interfaces to make it easier for one on one trading (like Warframe) the current vender system has the consequence of little circulation.
The same guild will buy the same trader in town, then with the same money they got in the most popular areas of the game buy it again every single week.
As for cross play or cross save I don't think I need to explain much on why that would be amazing. Last thing, is better filters for in game chat
My favourite part of ESO is the writing. Fun characters, interesting storylines that expand the lore of one of my favourite fantasy settings, copious queer rep; it's all why I'll never stop playing this game.
My least favourite thing is the fact that the game has loot boxes, which are inherently harmful to the playerbase of any game they're implemented in. The endeavors system was an improvement on how things were, but I still think crown crates just shouldn't exist.
Yea I think the PvP is just kinda fine like I love what cyrodiil goes for it's my favorite MMO pvp but the actual pvp mechanics are just basic? For lack of a better term it's not bad it's just kinda fine in my opinon
Favorite: the fact we get new content on the regular but within a setting I'm already comfortable in. It's like getting new games, but not having to place trust in something unfamiliar being good. The combat being engaging for all roles is also super enjoyable
Least: the inability to separate pve and pvp balancing has created so much community infighting over balance attempts that catch the other in the crossfire.
Lack of in-game tutorials for basic/intermediate gameplay mechs makes learning combat so much harder without a community.
And the insistence on "play in any order you want" being advertised to new players who don't know about the actual intended gameplay order, and miss out on returning characters acknowledging you if you play in order. It's a marketing strategy I detest that they're Kind Of working on.
I love how we get to explore all these new areas we've never seen before, Blackmarsh and Elsweyr in particular.
But I'm not that big a fan of how these places can get a bit watered down to fit into the mmo formula, quests are pretty much the same no matter where you go.
That's fair, like while I think there's a decent kind of variety to the quests I do think they def get repetitive cause each area felt like it kind of followed a formula quest wise, that's why I personally love delves and dungeons with friends cause we take our time and explore
And the stories and areas vary enough to keep it pretty fresh and exciting I just wish there were more honestly 😂 I love when new dungeons and stuff release and no one knows what to do
Least Favorite: The same mounts with different skins. Give us something different. I'm not saying FF XIV levels but something cool like an Alik'r Flying Carpet that floats a few feet from the ground.
Fav: It can still totally suck me in after a decade of playing. The voice acting, the stunning vieuws, the jolt of happiness that comes with finding a treasurechest.
Least Fav: the waiting for mountspeed and stuff like that on every alt. Just let me buy a full mount speed upgrade ingame.
Crazy good PvE content with nice roleplaying features. I miss some graphics and some animations are a bit cluncky but for me the worst part is the PvP. Even tho I still loving the game.
Like: the artstyle is really good. Really nails looking realistic yet distinct. Npcs, environments, and monsters all look like they've recieved a lot of care and attention.
Dislike: Fishing. They never should have added this if they weren't going to bother trying to make it any fun.
Favorite: how big the world is and how i can explore all of Tamriel
Least Favorite: the combat. It really drags down the experience since it has no good feedback. I often lose fights because I get so bored that I stop pressing the right buttons.
It's always some table 😂 yea I think it's armory station armor table something around those words 😂 they go into your house you should have it for free iirc
It's hard to pick a favourite since I really enjoy a lot of aspects of the game. But I think I gotta say I've really been feeling the Infinite Archive ever since it was released.
As for least favourite, I think the prices of some of the items on the crown store are excessive.
The lore and the gameplay are second to none. Absolutely none. The living world that feels real with deep, well-written lore is something most games cannot match. The skill-based gameplay with sets and skills that remain relevant, often for years and sometimes forever, is how it should be done.
What I don't enjoy are player toxicity, especially toward the devs but also to other players, both in PVP and endgame PVE. Inevitable, all games have that. ZOS invites some of it with big, unwieldy changes and a tendency to break things. Sometimes spectacularly.
And while I sense it bouncing back some - the new quests for newer companions weren't nearly as bad about the Vestige having zero short-term memory and holding the player's hand - the writing has slipped from its pinnacle. That's a tragedy, this game had a well-earned reputation for excellence.
ESO has now lost two of its most identifiable and strongest writers. Leamon Tuttle is on ZOS's new project and Andrew Young was either canned or quit, and either way it was not on good terms.
No, bad ZOS. We don't drop the ball with our staff auteurs.
The upshot is, I assume he'll move onto other things. If that's the case, I want to join him there. I'm eager for more of his work - in the TES universe or any other.
I like running around exploring the over world, finding pretty and relaxing places to just sit for a moment.
I would really like it if they could update how old items dye so they'd be more true to colour.
eg. some old costumes dye one shade of green no matter what green you choose.
Yes to the first part and also the second 😂 I love cosmetics in game and having different stuff for different situations or how I'm feeling but I can't spend all my money on this I already play Lorcana a TCG and that's expensive enough 😂
The character customization is very lacking at this point. Being limited to one cosmetic per type, not being able to layer things, the player models are low poly and textures are a low resolution. Not to mention gender locked items and the models overall being very dimorphic. Needs a big update.
I definitely agree I think ESO could benefit from a character update lol like it has its certain charm so if they could Atleast unlock the gender locked cosmetics or let us layer them Atleast would be really cool!
If I had to sum up my favorite thing about ESO into a single word, it would be “possibilities”. There are so many wonderful ways to play and so many amazing things to do and explore. I’m never bored. I look up, after playing, and wonder where the time went. My least favorite - sTuCk in cOMbaT
This is such a good way to sum it up 😂 possibilities is a great way to put how I feel playing ESO vs other MMOs and I always hate when I'm setting up for like photos and I just start getting attacked 😂 and saying you're in combat when you can't even see them any more but you still can't mount 😂
I thoroughly enjoy the lore and being able to do what I want.
It’s mildly frustrating having 260 ping on a good day here in Australia.
But either way, I’ve been playing on and off for 10 years on both PC and PS.
Former ESO QA here, I loved working on the dungeons and trials, i found them intriguing and stunning, and the hard modes challenging. I wish I could get into the crafting systems more but they never really grabbed my attention. They are incredibly deep systems that I wish I had more interest in.
There is always something fun to do and explore anywhere you go. Every zone and culture is unique with amazing quests and characters. Also, housing and Tales of tribute are some of my favorite features in the entire game 😅
While I enjoy fa$hion in the game - the crown store, new DLCs and events introduce brand new styles in each quarter which has become a bit overwhelming. A free account-wide outfit slot for each toon would be nice. Kind of like we get free character slots when a new class comes out.
My least favorite thing is how the game enables bad actors. It's so easy for jerks to harass people in both PvP and PvE, yet ZOS ignores complaints about harassment.
🪙 still feels like Vivec City needs an upgrade quest for the writs area, be nice to see it in a canton.
🧰 Inventory management,
🧰 the default UI is dated (Pixel UI addon is so nice)
My least favourite thing are the crown crates. I love the goodies you can get from them, but I hate the gambling aspect. It’s not for me.
💔 I wish they would allow time to pass, some of their boldest ideas have no footing because they refuse to go past the war (looking at you High Isle and Gold Road)
I very much dislike the AI chat monitoring.
Game side dislike: the attempts to dip into "darker themes" that are horribly shallow and offensive
Player side dislike: the bullying of players in PvE/PvP that aren't as good as you or that you have to "carry"
Least Favorite: not cross platform and the market system is bad
As for cross play or cross save I don't think I need to explain much on why that would be amazing. Last thing, is better filters for in game chat
Least: My brain shuts down whenever I look at all the information for gear and builds. There's too much and they keep adding more.
But I'm not a fan of the pvp system in general
Favorite Thing: Almost everything else. I love the latest companions.
Lack of in-game tutorials for basic/intermediate gameplay mechs makes learning combat so much harder without a community.
But I'm not that big a fan of how these places can get a bit watered down to fit into the mmo formula, quests are pretty much the same no matter where you go.
Least Fav: the waiting for mountspeed and stuff like that on every alt. Just let me buy a full mount speed upgrade ingame.
Favorite: pointy ears of breton…🤨?
Like: the artstyle is really good. Really nails looking realistic yet distinct. Npcs, environments, and monsters all look like they've recieved a lot of care and attention.
Dislike: Fishing. They never should have added this if they weren't going to bother trying to make it any fun.
Least Favorite: the combat. It really drags down the experience since it has no good feedback. I often lose fights because I get so bored that I stop pressing the right buttons.
Least is no load outs.
As for least favourite, I think the prices of some of the items on the crown store are excessive.
No, bad ZOS. We don't drop the ball with our staff auteurs.
I would really like it if they could update how old items dye so they'd be more true to colour.
eg. some old costumes dye one shade of green no matter what green you choose.
Least favorite- pricing for cosmetics has gotten crazy
It’s mildly frustrating having 260 ping on a good day here in Australia.
But either way, I’ve been playing on and off for 10 years on both PC and PS.
I 💔 that I need to see outside of the game to know what I need to do to get x, y or z done and it's not clearly given within the game. 😅
Some content creators of the game should be paid by ZOS.
There is always something fun to do and explore anywhere you go. Every zone and culture is unique with amazing quests and characters. Also, housing and Tales of tribute are some of my favorite features in the entire game 😅
While I enjoy fa$hion in the game - the crown store, new DLCs and events introduce brand new styles in each quarter which has become a bit overwhelming. A free account-wide outfit slot for each toon would be nice. Kind of like we get free character slots when a new class comes out.