The nursery rhymes, too. . . "Rockabye, baby. . .,"🎼- not to mention that one was about politics/revolt.
I know Gen Z & Gen Alpha aren't really learning nursery rhymes as much as previous generations, but the content of some of them is crazy, especially for bedtime.
Bro my mom made me do the 23rd psalm every night before bed starting when I was 5 or 6 and “yea tho I walk through the valley of death i shall fear no evil” and “he prepares a feast for me in the presence of my enemies” are insane things to say every night but tbh that’s probably why I’m metal af
I know Gen Z & Gen Alpha aren't really learning nursery rhymes as much as previous generations, but the content of some of them is crazy, especially for bedtime.
I said this every night as a kid and it took years for me to think about what it actually meant.