Or maybe... Just maybe we don't take rules and ethics from a book dripping in murder, genocide, violence, destruction, hate, anger, jealousy and horror?
Oddly enough, the bible covers the second half of that statement in far more detail than the first. I guess God figured the first part was kinda self explanatory, and focused on reminding people of the second.
It's not "Thou shalt not kill." It is "Thou shalt not commit murder." Either way it works for your statement, but it shows how misconceptions have created the base of modern society.
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True that, is it "pro life" to cut back basic medical services for elders, poor and disabled??
Then there are the proposed cuts in Medicare and Social Security that will have a similar effect.
Of course the poor, women and children will suffer the worst of this.. it's what the GOP does.
I'm trying to get people to understand why knowing history is so important. Unlike the American revolution. The one lenin spent 30 years of his life to make a reality waa based on love for people completely. Which is the complete opposite of 1776. Washington to trump.
I think that commandment included accessory to mass murder. An accomplice to Putin’s violent murder, rape and kidnapping of it neighbour, Ukraine. Most of us are revolted, Trump is inspired!
Our laws here in the US were designed in the eighteenth century and were satisfactory for that time when everybody was morally on the same team. Our current federal government is delighted to tell to tell us those rule don't apply any more. Nor any other rules either. They are the only team now.
What about all the lawyers employed by the medical companies to deny people? Has anybody given a thought to all the coffin makers or funeral planners and homes?
This is the issue with the desire to privatize any public sector. If it is financially more beneficial to not serve, than serve, they will always choose to not.
But when you say, capitalism is the best system to distribute goods, you don't mean *to the hungry", right? So basically, if you want to make a profit, you feed the rich, not the hungry, is also part of that world you live in and now do think of as "unfair". Ever tought of that?
Oralè Resisters
Stop Robbing America
Trump Tanking Tariffs:
DROPS 800 points today!
Make him stop destroying our Economy! It’s a not
A Trump University,
Trump Casino or
Trump Tower!
It’s all taxpayers monies!
It’s your retirement!
#USDemocracy #StupidRecession
The New Deal did one thing more than it did anything else. It put the people to work. I define World Economic Apartheid as Reaganomics in the form of privatization. Taking 13 US billionaires & just shy of a trillion dollar National Debt. Add 45 years.
Now 800 US billionaires & a 36 trillion dollar National Debt. At the same time some 140 world billionaires in 1987 turned into 2800 world billionaires today. FDR said, “Necessitous men are not free men”.
The billionaire class and their millionaire minions owe it to the world to make sure nobody ever goes to bed hungry. They owe it to the world to see to it that everybody has a warm, dry, and safe place to sleep every night. The planet does not deserve to be treated like a giant trash can.
A psychopath does not understand thou shall not kill because that’s exactly what they do to Donald Trump Elon Musk and Stephen Miller want to kill and they will if we let them
Evidently, Luigi didn't scare them enough to make them rethink this plan. I never thought I would say this, we need more, SMARTER, Luigis. The French had the right idea, way back when.
Prosperity Christians, ironically enough, follow the modern tenets of Mother Theresa. A now deceased Catholic Nun and highly controversial historical figure.
IE: if you're suffering, it's because you're a bad human and God hates you and you need to prostrate yourself.
Thou shalt not have any other gods before Him. DJT and all the MAGA in Congress bow to the millionaire/billionaires and what they can get not what 🇺🇸 majority needs.Now from not removing DJT when impeached, they created this wannabe king/dictator. His commitment to Putin must b to destroy 🇺🇸. Traitor!
Everyday our economic system commits violence against us. Whether it’s poisoning our waters for savings on environmental standards or cutting corners for safety standards, this system collectively creates violence against us.
Thank you for the graphic its not a joke so I don't considere it a meme. I love this so much, thank you for sharing this critical thinking gem. I'll just borrow, it's not stealing because I'm taking the images and leaving a gif avec sound; Paraphrasing Daliso Chaponda. 💗🦅❤️🔥🌟🦁✝️🗺️🗽🧲
When people shout out about the ' thou shalt not kill 'part of the bible, they never seem to remember that after coming down from the mountain & revealing the 10 commandments, the first order of Moses was to slaughter the 3,000 worshippers of the Golden Calf, apart from his brother who was forgiven.
Capitalism is cruel by design.
People are metrics, profits or losses. Every decision isn't about the good of anyone, it's all about continually increasing profit. Even if a CEO suddenly grows a conscience, laws prevent them putting people over shareholder profit.
The struggle of watching some suffer while others thrive in wealth and power is a harsh reality. But even in a world shrouded in darkness, it only takes a few lights to rise and fight for what truly matters
Elon Musk and the billionaires have taken over our government so they can steal from the American people and enrich themselves. Every elected Democrat should amplify this message every day.
"If anything, I don't have to convince the American public that we have a broken health-care system. I think the majority of Americans since they have to go through that health-care system, already know it."
-- Michael Moore
He killed someone who chattered happily about killing so many and wanted people awake on the operating table.
The person he killed was less than human at that point.
I don't condone the murder. But that doesn't mean I have to care about the life of the greedy insurance CEO who probably killed people by using AI to deny their claims. He should have died from some form of cancer that is massively expensive to treat and get HIS insurance claims denied.
My brother was in a coma for 3 months after a catastrophic motorcycle accident. He wasn't expected to live. But he survived and came out of it just fine, despite horrifying initial injuries. But when he received the $250,000 bill, he killed himself. And then so did his wife. It didn't have to happen
The combination of abusive insurance and the availability of such strong opiates lead to their deaths. (And then I got sued for trying to sell their house because they died in it. And got pursued by their creditors for years, some of them coming to my home and demanding to search it for property.)
The failure of insurance doesn't just cause minor financial woes. It causes generational trauma. It's been decades and I still struggle with it (as if it weren't bad enough that my father and grandfather committed suicide, too, in part because of medical stressors). It's a horror that can stop.
My wish? $300/mo steady. That’d help a LOT w medicaid/VA, SNAP + what little I’m capable of actually earning. SS just a few years away. All I ask. But that's way too much money for a guy who literally makes $23 MILLION AN HOUR ($383K a MINUTE for the yo-yos in back of the room).
Jesus said a rich man couldn't get into heaven. He DID NOT say that a rich man is obligated to attempt the feat. Seems to me that most have made their bargain. They accept their exile in exchange for earthly riches. As such, these rules mean shit to them.
On one day, the faaaarrr right Idaho legislators decide they want to put the #tencommandments in all schools, and the next day they chose firing squad as the default death penalty mode. No double-standard here… 😡🤦🏽♀️
As a theologian who is not religious, I can tell you that the biggest frauds in our Country are the white, Evangelical men and their slave wives as they desecrate the Instructions of God's only begotten son Jesus because he was a man of color, a Jew and too nice to people who looked like him.
"Nil desperandum, -- Never Despair. That is a motto for you and me. All are not dead; and where there is a spark of patriotic fire, we will rekindle it."
-- Samuel Adams
"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
-- John Adams
Or retribution.
Being pissed at someone for not becoming corrupt so you can get dirt on your opponent doesn’t mean you can withhold desperately needed intelligence from a country, basically murdering those that die bc of the missing intelligence.
Then there are the proposed cuts in Medicare and Social Security that will have a similar effect.
Of course the poor, women and children will suffer the worst of this.. it's what the GOP does.
I'm trying to get people to understand why knowing history is so important. Unlike the American revolution. The one lenin spent 30 years of his life to make a reality waa based on love for people completely. Which is the complete opposite of 1776. Washington to trump.
Your oppression is their profession.
What about all the lawyers employed by the medical companies to deny people? Has anybody given a thought to all the coffin makers or funeral planners and homes?
Stop Robbing America
Trump Tanking Tariffs:
DROPS 800 points today!
Make him stop destroying our Economy! It’s a not
A Trump University,
Trump Casino or
Trump Tower!
It’s all taxpayers monies!
It’s your retirement!
#USDemocracy #StupidRecession
Still, they aren't a murderer. Just an asshole.
Stop Playing God ⚡️🔥🔥🔥
IE: if you're suffering, it's because you're a bad human and God hates you and you need to prostrate yourself.
That's how they think.
Start realizing christianity for what it is in that country.
People are metrics, profits or losses. Every decision isn't about the good of anyone, it's all about continually increasing profit. Even if a CEO suddenly grows a conscience, laws prevent them putting people over shareholder profit.
maimed and killed in the first months
of presidency?
I can't care more than Trump-voting parents do.
They are on their own.
Means - the rich shall not have their profits killed!
Thompson assassinated more ppl than Luigi did
-- Michael Moore
That said, after being destroyed financially by catastrophic medical debt, three times.
I understand.
The person he killed was less than human at that point.
We just need to get around to pronouncing and then executing all those death sentences.
Jesus said a rich man couldn't get into heaven. He DID NOT say that a rich man is obligated to attempt the feat. Seems to me that most have made their bargain. They accept their exile in exchange for earthly riches. As such, these rules mean shit to them.
Luke 16, the rich man and Lazarus.
Killing by proxy is still killing.
-- Samuel Adams
The only crime that I've committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it.
~ Donald J Trump
-- John Adams
~ Joseph de Maistre
Bearing False witness (lying) to get it.
Feel like "not steal" is somehow relevant. Same with Coveting, but hey what do I know?
Being pissed at someone for not becoming corrupt so you can get dirt on your opponent doesn’t mean you can withhold desperately needed intelligence from a country, basically murdering those that die bc of the missing intelligence.