I would have bled out and died
As a very young woman
If not for an emergency D&C
Which is now illegal in a lot of States
They are fudging the numbers of the fatalities
As a very young woman
If not for an emergency D&C
Which is now illegal in a lot of States
They are fudging the numbers of the fatalities
Childbirth nearly killed me.
Or, rather, it sorta did but modern medicine brought me back.
If I were of child baring age now NO WAY in hell would I consider having kids….
the stories of women bleeding out and getting septic in Texas hospital parking lots is anecdotal at best, and I'm absolutely positive that we are not hearing all the stories.
What will change us when enough women of powerful ppl have died.
I've had a couple d&c during injury but wtf are they trying to control women.
There's got to be something deep down men with power are afraid of.
How would me being a childless widower align with anyone’s family values?
No data no deaths amirite?
“So it says here, the patient died from complications of….being a godless whore?”
Ironically, the doctor who performed the procedure was a devout Christian.