Day after day for the past nine years, we crafted every urgent plea possible to persuade them: appealing to their intellects and their hearts and their humanity and their patriotism.
The leader must *evaporate* (pick your verb) before the cult’s engine will wheeze to a permanent end, the willing members stunned by what has happened to them
Those of us who knew? Smiling
They told us we were exaggerating,
we were overreacting,
that we were drifting into melodrama or delusion,
that the doom we were forecasting was a fabrication of our minds,
that such grim realities were virtual impossibilities.
And now, we look up and we see it all too clearly: the sky is indeed falling.
This is a poor reaction; you aren't improving anything, just stressing people out for your own catharsis.
"...people who believe love will have the last, loudest word, still have the responsibility and the ability to walk into the tumult of days like these, to press our shoulders together, to steady ourselves, to raise our arms to the heavens—and to hold up the sky."
What intellect?
Get off your ass.
For those of you whining to abolish it, THIS is exactly why we still need the filibuster.
But we must act now.
They are self-centered, shortsighted, and just plain cruel.
I just hope we don’t lose millions more like back then.
which is unknown to most of the world, despite it being a textbook example of how a democracy can quickly become overrun
being 'the shining beacon
on a hill' to THE SHINING.