America was given a choice between a lawless, amoral monster and a qualified, intelligent, joyful woman of color—and it chose the monster. We need to reckon with the reality of what that says about so many of us here.
They lie.
They bully.
They cheat
They steal everything that they can lay their hands on including elections.
The US is clearly an apartheid state, and woman are second class citizens.
dumb fuckers out there.
Trump got 31% of eligible voters, Harris got 30%. Not participating got 38%.
In the American Revolution, 35-40% of colonists were for independence, 30% were loyalists, and 30%-35% didn’t care
Check out those drop-off data charts, for example:
Or at least the failure to call out blatant lies!
Gross negligence and/or complicitness.
This falls on THE ENTIRE NATION.
Even NOT VOTING was and always is a conscious CHOICE.
America has chosen… poorly.
Typical liberal.
But those prepared to stick with the status quo all the way down seem to really need to believe that everyone else wants to do that too.
“Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation & disinformation.” Many people didn’t realize what they were voting for. Corporate media played a huge role in getting us where we are today.
MAGA won the info wars & that should be our focus.
Misogyny, sexism and racism won. I 😢, but I am f*cking 😡 ✊🏼
74.8M of us did not make a mistake.
90M eligible voters were too stupid and selfish to show up and make the easy choice: "no to the autocrat, no to the traitor, no to the mob boss."
democratic message was great. the traitor is not fit.
And that's why atheism exists.
The level of hatred coming from these people has no bearing on Christianity at all.
None at all.
mechanism designed to make the
individual feel so small they'd never
rebel at all. "Satan had that idea and
look at him!" We see now the result
as people give all to Trump, their fat
When Nietzsche called Christianity
a 'slave morality' he meant this.
Hand counted paper ballots.
It’s the only way we will be able to win going forward.
You can’t tell me billionaires who manipulate algorithms left voting machines alone..
We have a Very Large part of our population that is either easily brainwashed and led, or just as nasty and hateful as the Orange Idiot.
Irony murdered. Again
She was unlikeable
So of course, they had to pick the crazy criminal, you see
So many Christians have FAILED the test 🫤
Millions did not vote for the monster, & ALSO millions of Dem votes just "disappeared" in the Swing states.
Out ballots en mass never before seen- election was stolen & Dems did not have a Forensic Investigation.
Trump should not have been on the ballot Garland put him above the law
America has yet to come to terms with the legacy of slavery and a failed Reconstruction. Attitudes persist. The War continues.
“Immigration” isn’t about immigration. “Abortion” isn’t about abortion. “Critical race theory” isn’t about CRT. Instead, they’re proxies for the fact that many white people “value whiteness more than democracy.”
That's what my republicans relatives tell me...
and ignorant that they consider such an amoral piece of garbage to be their very sad for America and our democracy 😥
And it *will* come out, eventually.