I know it’s effective to throw Jesus @ every problem but this free will-get-out-jail-card combined with its-god-will seems to go at odd w/ each other until you realize … no god. No son of god. No mother of god. No aunt or uncle of god. Just a story to make the faithful part of something controlling.
Although I agree, this is the No True Christian (Scotsman) Fallacy.
What you think a Christian should be is just your brand of Christianity and probably says more about your personal morality than your religion.
Other christians will disagree.
Religion: you can make it say whatever you want it.
"When a stranger resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native born, love him as you love yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD."
that last part is supposed to carry weight. As if anyone listens.
Imagine how different the world would be if the holy books said only, ‘Love each other,’ and nothing more. Strange and tragic, isn’t it, that books meant to convey the word of God have led to so much conflict and confusion?
Many issues we face stem from religious texts interpreted to condemn homosexuality. There’s no consensus—wars have been fought over interpretations. Tragically, Abrahamic holy books don’t just tell us to love our neighbors—imagine how different the world would be if they did.
As you already know, the vast majority of Christians have never read the buy-bull cover to cover so when they're presented with the new and improved version, especially from the pulpit they don't see a problem. JD Vance and his "ordo amoris" is just white supremacy justification in buy-bull drag.
Trump is going to sign an executive order for Jesus’ sermons be removed from ALL Bibles because they clearly are pushing a WOKE AGENDA. And he said nothing about America’s greatness. Like, c’mon Jesus! Get with the program, or be CANCELLED!
Even people who have never read the Bible know John 3:16. He could have even flubbed it and said Austin 3:16. “Steve Austin, the six million dollar man, I’m a huge fan! For he so loved the world!”
During the 80’s and 90’s, when the government was cozying up with the evangelical movement, there were crickets from the same Christians who claim to be the good guys now. They are all complicit because they didn’t stand up when it started. It served them at the time. Hypocrisy.
Jon, the evangelical church today is the one that led Crusades and tolerated the Holocaust. It spurns Jesus’s actual teachings and follows the AntiChrist. #Deceived
Don’t forget the German Christians we’re all in for the Nazis. They had “Gott Mit Uns”on their belt buckles. (God is with us)
The Catholic bishops helped smuggle Nazi officers out of the country to South America at the end of the war. The pope approved.
Please do not lump all evangelicals together…. I’m an ELCA Lutheran and in NO WAY associated with the Evangelicals (Christian Nationalists) that you are referring to!
Equality and serving others is a central belief of ELCA Lutherans.
God says you want to believe a false prophet, Christians? Then I will make you believe it to the point of DELUSION. And when the time is right, YOU will perish for that belief.
M A G A is cult made by God. They can't see the truth about Trump ..... yet.
I'm boycotting the Super Bowl. There's no way I'll watch it with Trump there. Knowing that narcissistic fucking idiot, he'll probably try to throw out the first pitch.
It’s funny too, years ago, ppl said they’d stop watching football because if the biological the sport and what they did to Kaepernick. They forgot about that pretty quickly and went right back. Now they have a new reason. They’ll still do it. I sure as hell won’t. I have a l-o-n-g memory.
1) I hate the progressive Christian focus on countering conservatives by saying for them to just love... love immigrants or LGBTQ folk, etc. Because the majority of them will always distance themselves from extremists of hate and think that they are loving... both to the immigrant and LGBTQ folk.
3) So, instead of just saying that they need to Love... don't generalize... specify what Love means. Define that Love. Don't let them make up their own definition.
2) Their framework is that since the "others" are not like them, then the "others" must not be saved, and in order to be saved the "others" must become like them. So, they try to force conformity... out of "love."
How do these people get around Matthew 7:12 "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets".
Whenever these piece of shit, see the stuff they explain it like it's evil from the devil don't listen to them. Don't read it. They're going to hell. That's what I've been taught and I rejected it
Perhaps He means, don't lower yourself to returning violence in kind. You'll just get your hands dirty. However, Jesus was capable of lashing out when it was called for, i.g., the moneychangers in the temple.
Matthew 7:21 - 23 seems to describe American Evangelicals 23: Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’”
Face it Christianity is just a cult to control people and it has been extremely effective. If a person came down out of the sky and proclaimed he was GOD the Christian and all religious leaders would condemn him as an impostor. Because they know their are no such deity .
I think they should just skip over the New Testament and head straight back to Baal. After all they now worship a golden ass, so it seems a kind of "homecoming" to go back to the golden calf and just get it done.
"Evilangelicals, as I refer to them are not Christians. They are the same mindset who destroyed the gentle Cathars, burned women at the stake, and had affairs with the pool boy.
Christians, as you like to think of them, failed to act 40 years ago when the evangelicals got in bed with the government. It served them at the time, so they were complicit. Now they want to act like they have clean hands. Hypocrisy.
I don't think of them as Christians. They think they are Christians. Man has created all of his Goddesses and Gods, all 1200 of them and none of them belong in our government. Blame Reagan for allowing them!
The new Christians needed Roman Emperor Constantine, today's Christians are dying out so....
Or more simply,start acting more like Dolly Parton,she's a Christian who gives respect to everyone.dont tell me you believe in God if you can't even act as civilly as she does.
So much wrong with that. You can't force people to love anything. It just becomes hate and tyranny. It saddens me how many grown ass humans have to be threatened with pain and suffering for eternity just to be nice to your fellow human and treat them with respect.
That last paragraph sounds very much like it is trying to force the issue to me Terry. I'll treat each person as they deserve to be treated regardless of gender. So if a Trans person is nice they get nice behaviour back. I wont just accept someone based on there gender ideals.
Religion's Evil. It was created by men as a way to control large groups/to divide Humans/to create Hate in the World. Jesus wasn't a religious person, he was a Spiritual man. People need to Stop judging people by the color of their skin/who they love/where they come/what religion they follow
We need to stop seeing ourselves different from one another and start seeing that we are human together cause it’s our humanity that comes first before our religion before the color of our skin. It’s our humanity that must come first.
Inspired by his mentor Woody Guthrie, whose guitar was labeled "This machine kills fascists", Pete Seeger emblazoned his banjo head in 1952 with the slogan "This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It to Surrender", writing those words on every subsequent banjo he owned.
The only part of Christianity they care about is if they accept JC as personal lord and savior they go to heaven. The rest they couldn't care less about. It is all about the perpetual "Get Out Of Hell Free" card they get. They'll tell you, "We're not perfect, just forgiven".
Almost every major figure from every major religion preached(s) peace and love.
Sadly, MAGAts associate astrology with astronomy…so we’re dealing with ignorant hateful people.
Let’s accept that appealing to Christofascists to love is a ship long sailed when Falwell and Reagan co-opted religion.
Democrats in Congress should be proactive. They should invite Republicans to join them in investigating waste, fraud and abuse. This is a job for Congress. Democrats have an opportunity to flip the script and bring voters with them.
I would go even furtherr about those that are so quick to say this is a Christian country and blah, blah blah. That faith doesn't include ANY love. Their chief trait seems to be their hatred...of Democrats, of brown-skinned people and the LBGTQ instead of just living and mind their own business.
Exactly. I've been saying that to my born again, christian friend trump supporter that I now despise. Sadly, i've known her since fourth grade. They have literally drank the kool aid.
And Christians are all like, “I can love my neighbor while also sending them to the concentration camps and watching them die slowly while masturbating myself and eating their children in front of them.”
So many people doing good are being mocked in the US today, too.
As inspiration look at a lot of countries around the World that consider it an honour and a gift to be able to help people in need. (Note: to my mind it is an inherent fundamental of being human. ALSO when the goin gets tough)
Christianity is the biggest grift of them all, starting with the church of Peter that could feed and clothe the needy, that could have stop sexual abuser, that could have shared scientific knowledge instead of hiding it
This is spot on. The hypocrisy of these people is staggering. Anyone literate can open the Bible and see that the behavior of Trump and his followers aligns more with the Antichrist than Jesus' teachings. This is why he's selling his own Bible; to control the narrative, as with the Constitution.
Yes. Some church goers snd those who say they are devout christians need to be asking themselves this WWJD and be truly introspective. They need to WAKE up if they do not do this as they go through their life journey.
Not some but all. Forty years ago they stood by and said nothing as the republicans got in bed with the evangelicals. They didn’t talk about the constitution. They didn’t stand up then because it served them. Now that they look bad they want to pry themselves away. Nope. Hypocrisy.
Now I'm not one of those folks but as someone who has always been fascinated by all the symbolism in the Book of Revelation and read it probably 20x- it makes sense. Magog is just a little too close to MAGA. The color red. Mark of beast on head- MAGA hats. There's a lot.
Yeah I'm Norse Pagan but have studied many religions including the Christian Death Cult. But pushing for the end of times puts you on the side of evil and condemning your soul...so they are the bad kind of crazy.
To be fair, there are those Christians who support Trump because of their deep belief that he is the true AntiChrist. They believe that he's part of dispensationalism, or the events that occur at the End of Times. I think is reason behind Pence's being so weak to him- he figured it was no use.
Growing up in the 1980s I went to a Baptist church and in Sunday school class we were studying the Book of Revelation. When discussing the Anti-Christ our teacher explained that it would be a man who walked among us, he'd be handsome, charming, a real ladies man. He'd be like Donald Trump.....eerie
He always made me sick- his arrogance and bravado. My mom would always be like " Eech, I can't stand that man" whenever she saw him on TV or in magazine.
You know that not one denomination stepped up 40 years ago to protest against the government getting involved with the religious right? Why do you think that is? Because all Christians are complicit in this. When they should have gotten involved, they chose not to because of self interest.
And now that it’s become obvious what the real agenda is, these complicit churches are desperate to draw a line between themselves and the Nazis. The time to do that was 49 years ago. The hypocrisy is staggering.
It's simple. God & his only son Jesus preached about loving one another.
Satan on the other hand is polar opposite; THAT is maga's religion.
May God forgive them.
Evangelicals are the reason Trump is the president. They hated Romney because he was a good Mormon but they worship a cheating lying criminal devoid of any Christlike attributes - makes total sense for them apparently.
Personally ive stopped allowing them in my life. They claim to love us...and what they really mean is that they benefit from our company - while at the same time enabling the demise of it.
My friendship is a gift...it must be earned and cherished.
Evangelicals want to post The 10 Commandments in schools… but not The Beatitudes, not The Sermon on the Mount. That tells me everything I need to know about them.
Jesus and Christianity has never been about love, anybody who believes that is full of shit. Christianity has been about control and power and domination, that's how it has always been and will always be. Wake the fuck up, ALL OF Christianity is a terrorist cult
No, has nothing to do with the Bible, the Bible was written by a man, it has been revised hundreds of times by a man in order to achieve whatever goal that person had. More people have died in history in the name of Christianity then all wars combined
So true. They claim to be Bible believers but never crack it open beyond the page where their lord and savior the Melon Felon signed it. They vilify the good and venerate the deplorable. Jesus always walked around saying follow me. He never forced anyone. These people want to put people in bondage
to their Satan servants Muskrat and Rump. They love to point out the splinter in others eye but ignore the log in their own. What fruit of the spirit do these two have? None. Do they exhibit love? No. So how have so called Christians become so deluded. Answer, the power of Satan. But some of us
Watch God Forbid on Hulu. Story of Jerry Falwall and his wife’s 7 year affair with 19 year old. How he got Evangelicals to vote for this anti Christ. Skip the Super Bowl and watch this !
I think every stupid and evil thing said by any Evangelical in support of Trump should be recorded and logged in detail, so when everything falls apart, it'll be way harder for them to try and lie their way out of responsibility.
If any of these maga moron christofascists ran into Jesus on the street today, they would run the other way and demand that the man be detained and deported immediately.
The only role the Bible seems to play in the lives of these folks, is as a bludgeon. It's treated as an asset that gives them status, not as the (WWJD) roadmap for living a godly existence, embracing virtue, and caring for your neighbors. They twist the magnificent into ugliness and call winning.
We have the right to enforce our border. Congress, led by GOP, proposed legislation to do just that in 2024. Rather than a sincere commitment to solve grownup problems w grownup solutions, the path chosen prioritizes cruelty over legislation, chaos over planning, dehumanization over accountability.
Hi John I don’t know if you’ve seen this yet- This is a document by Pam Bondi that was leaked by a reporter. I would Like you to read All of it, but specifically Section 2 - Paragraph 2 and tell me what you think the last part of the last sentence means. Please!
Incidences of domestic violence increase when The Big Game is on. You don't see any shiny, somber ads from the NFL telling the boys to keep their hands down and just watch the game.
Here's Biden's half a loaf on the ERA...
A cursory reading of history demonstrates that any large organized Christian church is unfailingly racist, prejudiced, aggressive, and exclusionary.
The corruption and abuse it encourages is just a side benefit.
Love is never part of it. Control is everything.
Please tell that to United Methodists that started here integrated and abolitionist. UCC another. And all the mainline Protestants that embrace LGBTQ equality, women's repro rights, and racial justice. Not acknowledging major change is to lose allies.
Love God
Love your neighbour (as yourself)
Your 'neighbour' just means 'peeps'
He saw 'people'💙
Simple...yet those misrepresenting him are hatin' on peeps like they just cannot wait to get back home to hell🔥
What you think a Christian should be is just your brand of Christianity and probably says more about your personal morality than your religion.
Other christians will disagree.
Religion: you can make it say whatever you want it.
that last part is supposed to carry weight. As if anyone listens.
I couldn't have expressed it better.
The Catholic bishops helped smuggle Nazi officers out of the country to South America at the end of the war. The pope approved.
Equality and serving others is a central belief of ELCA Lutherans.
God says you want to believe a false prophet, Christians? Then I will make you believe it to the point of DELUSION. And when the time is right, YOU will perish for that belief.
M A G A is cult made by God. They can't see the truth about Trump ..... yet.
Don’t forget to tip your servers
The new Christians needed Roman Emperor Constantine, today's Christians are dying out so....
Here I am sitting in the parking lot of her Baptist church, terrified. I’m intersex by birth and had to transition or die.
This scares me terribly. I’m afraid being here. Genuinely.
The only part of Christianity they care about is if they accept JC as personal lord and savior they go to heaven. The rest they couldn't care less about. It is all about the perpetual "Get Out Of Hell Free" card they get. They'll tell you, "We're not perfect, just forgiven".
Sadly, MAGAts associate astrology with astronomy…so we’re dealing with ignorant hateful people.
Let’s accept that appealing to Christofascists to love is a ship long sailed when Falwell and Reagan co-opted religion.
Love doesn't come from heaven or god,
it comes from the human heart & mind.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union
They need our support now more than ever.
Satan is laughing.
As inspiration look at a lot of countries around the World that consider it an honour and a gift to be able to help people in need. (Note: to my mind it is an inherent fundamental of being human. ALSO when the goin gets tough)
Oh, that’s from Jesus? My bad.
If we can’t speak up for innocent people under attack, what are we even doing here?
Where have I heard that before?🤔
It's always been about power and control.
No, No , Noooooo
Satan on the other hand is polar opposite; THAT is maga's religion.
May God forgive them.
Personally ive stopped allowing them in my life. They claim to love us...and what they really mean is that they benefit from our company - while at the same time enabling the demise of it.
My friendship is a gift...it must be earned and cherished.
Mahatma Gandhi
Here's Biden's half a loaf on the ERA...
It’s time we accept that prosperity gospel, Dominionist MAGA see him as a God King.
No amount of logic will turn them.
The corruption and abuse it encourages is just a side benefit.
Love is never part of it. Control is everything.