As much as Trump pisses and moans over every other thing that’s ever been “done against him”, it is extremely suspicious that he never mentions this. He hasn’t called for the firing of anyone who “allowed” it to happen? As he’s firing everyone else? Nah.
And you never heard anything about the shooter again on the news or anywhere else. And his ear magically healed in a week. Or the fact that SS let him stand up inside of putting his head down and covering him.
Exactly! Sometimes nowadays, I’m embarrassed to admit is, but a retired LEO. I’ve fired that weapon. There is no way a bullet from it would only slightly damage his ear. If it wasn’t all staged, he got hit by a piece of shrapnel. But the way the SS agents reacted, was not protocol at all.
Absolutely!! You know what a big mouth Trump and maga has, they've never mentioned it again nothing on the youth killed or the man killed at the rally, just crickets, silence. Yet he's still ranting & raving about the 2020 election, if AR-15 bullet had actually hit him he wouldn't have an ear.
It's all fake like Trump, realty TV, they're all silent, typical con, fraudster, he's incapable of telling the truth, to many holes in history & the cowardly press won't ask the hard questions, if a Dem was involved the story would never die!!
if he had been hit by a 5.56 there would be nothing left of his right ear. Maybe the right side of his head. They are devastating, which is why they were picked for 'Nam.
Instead? It's perfect. Not a mark.
Bunch of suckers.
This was a fake attempt at assassination. They should have charges brought against them because 2 innocent people lost their lives. Have you noticed that we haven’t heard anything on the shooter except they killed a kid. His ear wasn’t even grazed & he wore a Kotex to cover his ear. SS was in on it
It it’s certainly odd that he doesn’t ramble on and on about it all day. I mean every thing out of his mouth is about someone he perceives as attacking him.. yet an actual shooter???
Staged? Please. I loathe him with every fibre of my being, but a conspiracy theory positing a staged assassination attempt will have a hard time reconciling with facts.
Reuters and have refuted it. A person died. The FBI and Secret Service corroborate it. Witnesses saw the shooter. You should research why the shooter had to die on the scene as the plan was for Lee Harvey Oswald to die. It would make a great sequel to the Oliver Stone JFK movie with Kevin Costner.
Pure theater for MAGAts & Morons. Miraculously, Secret Service let Stain stand up for his rehearsed routine & photo op. Never saw Regan when shots were heard, Secret Service sheltered Reagan with their bodies & rushed him into limousine.
It was obvious that it was staged? How do I know you ask. Cause he stood up and pumped his fist. As a confirmed coward he would never have done that, he would have stayed hidden and cried for his mommy
I saw a video of the "assassination " attempt that showed a woman in the audience directly behind the stage that was looking around with her phone at the ready just before the shot. She kept looking in the direction of the shooter BEFORE the shot. There was a man that also seemed out of place.
Both were wearing dark glasses and werent reacting to Trump like everyone else. The woman looked like she was waiting for a cue to start filming. Oddly she did not react after the shot like everybody else. Very calm. Complete set-up. 2 people dead so Trump could look like a hero.
And people bought it and started wearing panty liners on their ears. Just like when they started wearing gold Trump diapers. He did state he liked the undereducated. That really shows as magas are losing big time but still believe everything he says. Undereducated is an understatement. Hopeless...
I’m so glad others are coming around to what I said at the time. If it had been real, the orange toad would have been quivering on the ground, messing his pants. Happy to sacrifice a supporter though. #showusyourear. And #epsteinfiles
I thought the Oscar should have gone to "Best Director of a Photo Op by a Presidential Candidate Who improvised the misplaced blood pack, lost his shoes and somehow found the perfect pose for the camera while shouting his one line 'Fight!'". And that director was SO good no doc was needed.
Secret service saw him and didn’t take him out, for the simple fact, they planted him, knowing they’d kill him, and after firing his shots, told diaperdonnie to turn his head “NOW”. Also probably told shooter he’d be put into witness protection.
You don’t think he wouldn’t happily kill one or two randos to stay out of jail and pay back the Russian black mail on his whole family? It’s amazing to me that people (in general) still don’t know what we are dealing with.
I think that that was not part of the plan. Hence he never talks/brags about it as he does every other thing. His staying quiet is why I think it was staged.
I thought that for a while, too and then I realized. If I wanted to FAKE the assassination attempt I would need 3 things to make it completely believable. An assassin I KNEW I could kill, actual dead bodies (so the ammo was real), an ACTOR who could pull the squib, show the blood and do a fist pump
I believe a man that was attending with his family was shot & killed by the attempted assassin, who was then killed by security. As much as I loathe Trump & have zero respect for any of his followers, the man who was killed was a volunteer fire chief, good neighbor, loved & was loved by his family.
wonder who the real shooter was - the one who killed the guy in the audience... because trump was never in danger... they sacrificed that kid who posed as the shooter... and the guy in the audience
Not attending the State of the Union to listen Trumb gaslight US is the minimum we expect from Democrats; attending is complying and giving credibility to the incredible.
But it sounds like Democrats are going to fail US again by showing up and bowing down.
Pass this on if you agree.
I’m feeling more and more like it was staged as well. Does anyone know what happened to the man who was supposedly killed in the crowd? Did his family suddenly move somewhere else? Maybe living under a new name and under witness protection?
I really don't think it does us any good to peddle conspiracy theories. Leave that to the Right. There is very little chance this was staged for a number of reasons:
1. Trump would never have agreed to stand downrange of live rounds (and we know live rounds were being fired because of the unfortunate man in the audience who lost his life).
2. The weapon used just isn't accurate enough for the near miss to be intentional; even in the hands of a skilled marksman (which the shooter was not), there would be at minimum 1.5" of potential deviation, which could easily make the difference between nicking an ear and splitting his skull open.
3. In regards to those who say the bullet would have done more damage if it really went through his ear, ears are very thin. The bullet would not have encountered enough resistance to start it yawing simply going through an earlobe. Ears also bleed profusely even when barely grazed.
I understand the impulse to look for a more satisfying explanation than a simple failure of the Secret Service detail to properly secure the area, especially since they are often hyped up as the premier dignitary protection detail in the world (which they are). But nobody is infallible.
The simplest and most plausible explanation is a failure of the various law enforcement agencies involved to properly coordinate led to a man with a rifle getting within 150 meters of a former president.
As I recall, his numbers were really tanking at that time but went up dramatically shortly thereafter. Evangelicals were convinced that it was indeed a miracle that God saved Trump &
healed his ear in less than a week.
It wasn’t a good show, it was obviously staged. The medics said he was hit by glass! Trump walked into the ER. The docs he didn’t need stitches. Trump was hit by glass! His shirt was not stained with blood!
Just like that stupid fake wrestling nonsense. This is America's lowest point. The man is a waste of oxygen. His dad raised him to be a grifter, and his mental illness simply put that into rote drive. He's a vindictive, stupid ass. Impeach him before he takes the nation down.
Has anyone checked on the family of the audience member who was fatally shot in that? Rather silent all around. Maybe they were a 'crisis actor'. *eyeroll*
No I am absolutely sure that guy died... they knew there'd be a sacrificial lamb, the shooter was instructed to hit a target in that area so it wold be believable that they COULD have hit trump. But did the shooter know HE would be killed or did he think he'd be "arrested" and disappear?
I was snarking, not serious. Whatever the details were, the really suspicious part was how fast it disappeared from the news cycle once Trump stopped taping a maxipad to his head. The theatrics were the point.
Ah, yes.
No tinnitus,nada zip. I should be so lucky. I teach blind children; one of my grad's Moms, who I was very close to, posted the photo from this sham debacle as her profile picture after it happened.
My grads are all potential DEI hires!You cant make this ish up.#23YrsTN
No, Maybe an honorable mention. It was so staged, so phony. I knew at first glance it was staged. I am not an expert. But as I listened, it was all so contrived.
Biden, Harris, and Garland; as well as Pelos, Schumer and Jeffries knew it was staged. Two innocents were killed for this staging.
So absolutely staged by them!
And this tells you who they are, no concern for the two who died that day, zero!
Only for the power they crave!
Pure unadulterated EVIL!
WWE skit all day long.
Instead? It's perfect. Not a mark.
Bunch of suckers.
Reuters and have refuted it. A person died. The FBI and Secret Service corroborate it. Witnesses saw the shooter.
The collateral damage in the audience was cheerfully sacrificed by the trump team.
There is no medical evidence of any injury to trump
No detailed investigation of "shooters" online habits, finances
Erik Prince, Blackwater, has those resources
There was a second actual shooter working for trump.
Secret Service protocol in those scenarios is to completely cover protectee and immediately whisk to armored vehicle.
Secret Service always assumes 2nd shooter scenario
Meanwhile 😳😳😳😳😳
Bonespur and creepy oligark Elon
But totally agree!
Wasn’t nominated.
But it sounds like Democrats are going to fail US again by showing up and bowing down.
Pass this on if you agree.
healed his ear in less than a week.
I'm dead
No tinnitus,nada zip. I should be so lucky. I teach blind children; one of my grad's Moms, who I was very close to, posted the photo from this sham debacle as her profile picture after it happened.
My grads are all potential DEI hires!You cant make this ish up.#23YrsTN
Biden, Harris, and Garland; as well as Pelos, Schumer and Jeffries knew it was staged. Two innocents were killed for this staging.
And this tells you who they are, no concern for the two who died that day, zero!
Only for the power they crave!
Pure unadulterated EVIL!