MAGAs see one child with cancer: *give tearful ovation*
MAGAS see Trump cutting funding for childhood cancer research which will affect millions of children with cancer: *ignore it completely*
MAGAS see Trump cutting funding for childhood cancer research which will affect millions of children with cancer: *ignore it completely*
MAGA doesn't read.
TheFelon tells them what to think via talks, social media, podcasts, FoxNews, ...
They see the world thru 1 window.
A fable they like to tell
Sort of like respect for the military
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
MAGAS see Trump cutting funding for childhood cancer research which will affect millions of children with cancer: *jump for joy... because... fRaUd AnD aBuSe*
There is no face on the funding... so they delight in it being cut.
Sooner rather than later.
Unless something hits them personally (as in themselves or direct family), there is a zero percent chance they actually care.
All doomer cosplay and 'rapture' bullshit and apocalyptic fantasies that want to celebrate the 'end-times'.
Rilijinn is sociopathic karaoke.,should%20be%20ashamed%20of%20themselves.
Americans: “Ok, can I have more money?”
Fascist regime: “Fuck off.”
Joe Stalin....they know him well.