MAGA Christians, I have a spiritual question and was wondering if you'd help me out.
For my entire life, I thought that Christians were supposed to give a damn about other people.
Looking at you, now I think maybe I've been doing IT wrong all these years.
For my entire life, I thought that Christians were supposed to give a damn about other people.
Looking at you, now I think maybe I've been doing IT wrong all these years.
Leonard Leo & the Stained Glass Curtain He’s Hiding Behind
Thanks for the memories.
There perception is wrong also as Trump is a snake and will willingly poison them with his bite. He’s told them all along who he is.
Stay true!
If there ever was a god that entity died a long time ago from systematic abuse perpetrated by his/her own followers!
Black is white, up is down.
arrogance. That's all.
The Rev. Billy Graham gave an insightful sermon during a large church service: Jesus wasn't White. Plz look it up on YT, it's worth it!
““When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get.”
Matthew 6:5 NLT
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." ~ Gandhi, probably.
My sentiments exactly. 🖐️
I notice "good" Christians do not come out en masse against their misguided brethren.🤔
The Prosperity Gospel is the biggest con ever perpetrated.
I just don’t care for bigotry of any kind.
Having zero to do with religion.
God is not real. It is always someone's greed, someone's ego, someone's lies.
Your lies are killing people. That is not love. You love a fake god more than real people? The god in your head? You're a selfish coward.
This is not a game. Think.
" You will know my people by their fruits" And
" The words that come out of a man's mouth say what's in his heart"
" His mercies are new every morning"
Lucky us.