They Came for the Schools: One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms by It's enraging, but it's incredible writing. Reminds me of where I used to live in Tennessee. Same exact BS.
I cooked all day and finished the audiobook Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander. It’s my follow-up to By Any Other Name by Jodi Picoult because someone in book club mentioned the Shakespeare connection and it sound like a fun winter series to dive into.
“Herzog” by Saul Bellow. It’s so fitting for these post-apocalyptic days.
The protagonist taking a break from his world, spending days self-introspecting, rambling, writing letters to every one from closed ones to strangers, at times with fury, at times with anguish and pain. Silent screams.
Fiction: Lords of Uncreation (
Nonfiction (audio): The Future Is History (
Nonfiction (paper): Still working on Journey Into the Whirlwind (Eugenia Ginzburg). Gulag memoirs aren't exactly books to finish swiftly or easily.
But the 1st book reading post seminary is
#TheBrightAges in prep for #OathBreakers
by Diane Rizzetto
The protagonist taking a break from his world, spending days self-introspecting, rambling, writing letters to every one from closed ones to strangers, at times with fury, at times with anguish and pain. Silent screams.
Listening: Power Worshippers by
Kindle: Briardark, Candide (just finished) and Fever House.
Print: An old beat up copy of Swan Song by Robert McCammon
Nonfiction (audio): The Future Is History (
Nonfiction (paper): Still working on Journey Into the Whirlwind (Eugenia Ginzburg). Gulag memoirs aren't exactly books to finish swiftly or easily.