Climate change is a fever and we are the virus. The earth will recover whether we are here or not. The real shame is all of the other living things that will be affected by our consumption and our greed.
I know, offhand, that if I never had existed my best friend would be destitute with a special needs child, the company I work for would be out of business, and hundreds of street people would have been worse off.
So, Earth would not be affected, but the lives of some people certainly would have.
That reminds me of a conversation with a friend where I stated that we have screwed the earth. His response was that the earth will be fine. We screwed ourselves...
But I’m glad you see something different
So, Earth would not be affected, but the lives of some people certainly would have.
Hubris. Arrogance combined with ignorance is a bad combination.
Ego is the enemy?