Russia breaking apart: How could that be bad? After WWI, we got several countries, and after the USSR, we got another set of nice countries. Why not again? Why is the enslavement of nations good for stability?
As for losing in wars Russia was well on its way in September 2022 but Biden, Scholz et al didn't want it, probably because of the above mentioned misguided ideas of stability and risks with a Russian break-up.
In any case, Russia will lose the war. Now that the rest of Europe has to choose between itself being invaded and Ukraine winning, it will finally be it.
It is an enormous tragedy that the cost for Ukraine is so horrendous. I keep telling my daughter about Ukraine, and she keeps asking when we will go home. She is almost three years old now. Born in Kyiv during the siege but unaware about why we are not at home.
One day, I will tell my little girl about her proud heritage, about her grandfather volunteering day one, how brave Ukraine fought, and about how Ukraine won the war.
The West, in the 1980s, told the Balts not to rock the boat. They didn't want the USSR to collapse because of the nuclear weapons. Which they, of course, got confiscated from Ukraine and Kazakhstan.