As I sit home with a terrible cold, I can’t help but be pissed that we decided as a society that we’re just cool with getting sick.
We applied technology to water-borne and food-borne illness, and you generally don’t get sick that way anymore.
But airborne? Nah, let’s keep getting sick.
We applied technology to water-borne and food-borne illness, and you generally don’t get sick that way anymore.
But airborne? Nah, let’s keep getting sick.
Pub serving meat stored at room temperature: not ok! Must invest in refrigeration.
Pub air dirty and saturated of whatever others exhaled: totally ok! You just get sick. “Winter.” No need to invest in filtering.
Personal masks are a useful accessory.
Pub forcing employees to breathe known carcinogens all day: totally fine! A job is just a choice, right? OSHA is for factories!
We have the EPA to thank for that. Unfortunately Republicans think breathable air is a privilege their constituents don’t deserve.
If everyone kept wearing theirs, these pandemics would be under control now
Why are we in USA such wimps? Do we really prefer to get ourselves, friends, and neighbors sick more than we can bear wearing a paper mask?
And it's a delusional excuse to say masks are a barrier to meditation.
But now, people look at me weird if I wear a mask again. As if Covid never happened.
It’s a solved problem. We’re just not interested in deploying solutions.
My brief googling led me here:
> No reduction in symptom severity or incidence was consistently associated with any technology.
> To date, it remains unclear whether reducing particle concentrations and removing bioaerosols will reduce indoor transmission of respiratory infections.
I tend to believe them, as I am no expert on the subject
so... I remain unconvinced
Sure, I mean, what else could it be? Null effect is a natural zero hypothesis here. Seeing that air filtration actually makes it worse would be surprising
> That’s... not a comprehensive review
1.mandated/forced Which is hard to implement&uphold. Fallout: People get upset when they feel liberties are infringed
2.Incentivised Gain advantage by spontaneous cooperation&adoption. The whats in it for me factor drops if the bottom line is impacted