I heard it at the christmas market last weekend while waiting for a raclette sandwich. My disabled vet friend with a bad case of tinnitus was just like "can't hear a damn thing, I never lose this game".
The music or the film? If you haven't seen the film, Last Christmas with Emilia Clark, Henry Goulding and Michelle Yeoh, put it on your list! Emma Thompson wrote it!
I'm still going strong. I went to 6 different stores this week and can't believe I'm still surviving. I only made it like 2 days last year so you did really well! 🤗
Two years ago, I was out the Friday before Thanksgiving. I was driving my cat to the boarders because we were going on a family trip. The station is listened to up there (long time vet I stayed with after moving, so it was a ways away) switched to Xmas music A WEEK BEFORE THANKSGIVING AND GOT ME 😡
haha I guess i'm out as well but i listened to it myself, its a personal staple song for the holidays, another one: Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You". Recently, a new song has entered the scene: Kelly Clarkson's "Underneath the Tree".
Oh. I don’t listen to terrestrial radio, and don’t listen to Sirius Xmas channels. That’s the nice thing, Sirius isolates Xmas music from the other channels like 60s, or Classic Rock, so I never hear it.
The objective is to go as long as possible without hearing WHAM's Christmas classic; "Last Christmas". The 2nd Rule. The game starts on December 1st, and finishes at the end of December 24th.
THIS is our best weapon against them right now....let them find out early what life without sales is going to be like when musk takes our social security.
So, if it’s the first time you hear the song, you go to Google and type in: roll a D 20. Google will play an animation of a 20 sided die rolling. It will end up on a number. That number is your result. If it exceeds 12, then you continue to find another day. 
Take heart and realize it will get easier to avoid Whamagedon as more people cover the song. But George will never be forgotten, like a Careless Whisper he will always be there.
It's much worse in the UK. tonight a whole BBC TV channel was devoted to Wham and that dreadful caricature of a song. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00263vc that is just one of their torture instruments.
That song only sounded good when George Michael sang it. When anyone else sings it, it sounds like the songwriter forgot to complete the song. Also with all the whiny voices around today, it's hard to listen to anything, let alone Christmas songs.
Same here. I remember being around 12 and the evening news would show the numbers of dead/wounded, like it was some kind of sports score.
Yippee, the 'bad guys' have a higher score. https://youtu.be/tysvpfFuj0I
The music from back then is like a history lesson.
The line 'Hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace' is still very real, even today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu0hh7eI4_A
1960-1976 I was 3 to 19 years old. I saw it all and I remember it all. Because back then we were taught in history class what was happening all over the world in newspapers and tv. Back then teachers were allowed to show and tell us the truth. They didn't pick sides D or R just the truth.
I enlisted in 1970 to avoid the draft. Did my 4 years and got out. We were always taught, even if we didn't like our leaders, at least respect the office they were holding. Didn't like Nixon, but still respected him as CIC. LOL
I remember hearing on the radio the news report about Richard Speck killing the nine student nurses in Chicago. Though I was hundreds of miles away, at 8 years old, I was worried he was coming to my house. That crime is referenced in the song. Incredibly moving.
I like "Last Christmas". The season is not complete without it.
So my family and I play "A Very Scary Carey" and avoid all things Mariah.
Oh wait. Never mind.
🎶 Feliz Navidad 🎶
This blue sky place is just so confusing! 😜
Thank you
🎶 🎤
There's always next year 🙄
I’m surprised I lasted as long as I did seeing as it’s on the playlist at work.
Now it is stuck so I also would like you to go to hell.
Pretty sure that makes me the winner.
Or they know about Whammagedon and are sadistic.
I know which one I think it is.
"Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime", however... 🤮
Did you also lose the game? 🤣🤣
Yippee, the 'bad guys' have a higher score.
The line 'Hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace' is still very real, even today.
From a few months ago.