Absolutely nothing surprises me anymore. The incoming administration, Congress, and some "Supremes" Justices are just flouting their oath to the Constitution.
I remember when a Democratic AG had to recuse themselves due to a brief chat in an airport. Meanwhile SCOTUS: spouse engages insurrection, insurrectionist flag, talk to Trump while deciding on a case, travel paid by billionaires. All OK. Meanwhile Roberts SCOTUS beyond scrutiny or criticism
So…the recommendation of an ex-clerk was the fig leaf for the conversation. Like the dinner party was the fig leaf for leaking the draft Dobbs opinion?
I think if that's the line, we should call it the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court... Ooo! Better yet— The Ginny Thomas Supreme Court, because Mother Jones exposed that she's basically running things over there.
Under the Ohio code of ethics for attorneys, judges are not even permitted to conduct themselves in any such manner which would cause an “appearance of impropriety”. Makes you wonder why the highest court in all of the land does not have a code of ethics.
Private call btw Dumpy and Alito just days before SC considers his BS "Emergency Request." Doesn't look fishy at all!!! Nothing to see here!!! Strictly legit!!!
Run that one up Mrs. Alito's flagpole and see who salutes🙄
The GOP has a 2 vote margin in both the Senate and the House. We've already seen the GOP quietly stand up to tRump's pick for AG. We'll see what happens next. But if you don't want your Reps doing something, don't sit quietly by. Tell them.
Send Resist to 50409 and ResistBot will help you do that.
Oh! I think THAT train’s LEFT the station Bruh!! Anyone with a library card can see we’re fuckin on our own up here/out here in these United States!! I don’t know what you’re about, but I’m not a FAFO, sitting around person! I’m going to do SOMETHING about this!
It sickens me that he will get away with no time served. He can literally do anything and not be held accountable for his actions. Ain't this a great fckn country...
Nothing will make any difference. This is corruption at its highest levels. They do it in the open now. They know that no one can stop them. Who is going to stop them?? There is no one.
Yep, agreed. They’ll give him what he wants, we will rage, and absolutely nothing will change. Because what can we actually do, that won’t be shot down and thwarted anyway? This is why they do it out in the open now. No real pushback. None that makes a difference anyways.
Had Nancy Pelosi pushed immediately for Impeachment the 1st time instead of worrying about optics, none of this mess would be happening. Merrick Garland was also about as useless as the come.
At this point, release all the things, justifying it w/ this as the reason, that there was no expectation of the SC being able to rule without bias since Trump meddled. If Trump whines abt an accusation of impropriety, remind him he shouldnt have engaged in acts that could be construed as such.
Asking a #Favor of the President Elect. #SamuelAlito is the most #corrupt #SCOTUS in the history of this country. Could one of his #clerks work for #Trump at the White House. #INPLAIN #SIGHT these prigs just go about #treasonous activities. It will only get bigger.
What would SC do if Merchan just quietly went about sentencing Trump on Friday? It's a state case without any Presidential immunity issues. Running a private business is nowhere in any President's job description.
Everything is not normal with Trump. The only rare thing with him, his puppet masters, his administration, billionaire social circles, magaphiles, family, media, and other racist rape apologists et al is the truth.
This fucker, so innocent yet wants everything hidden from public and delayed. Innocent people want facts to come to light and to be dealt with quickly. Guilty want to delay and hide facts.
Yeah sure. That's the cover up story for the call really being about SCOTUS voting the way he wants in order to delay sentencing in NY on Friday. They're all corrupt.
The quintessential 'bedrock' concepts of law and order, speration of powers, ethics have lost all credibility. It's all a charade; nothing is sacred, money is all that matters going forward. I don't think America exists anymore as it did pre-2016 (which is hard for me to swallow still).
He will watch America burn and enjoy it. Blood will run free in the streets at some point. America will make the Troubles of Northern Ireland look like a picnic. The left will start killing more CEO's and the right will justify political violence. Enjoy.
No collusion here, right?! If these turds give tRump another break, maybe riots won't be that far off. How long do these oligarchs believe that they can just keep fucking over the majority of us?
Throw both of their asses in jail right now. If anybody else is as sick of this shit there are going to be alot of disappearances. Is Luigi still in jail
I do not believe for even a fleeting moment, Trump did not discuss his petition to the court. But of course MAGA would not see such a conversation taking place as anything to be alarmed about. Business as usual.
when do they find the time to do their traitor stuff.. they always seem so busy playing with each others microphallus, when/and if they can find them.. hey ailto, before putting that robe back on.. please wipe the shit stains from your chin
Merchan already said he’s basically going to sentence him to nothing. So, I just don’t understand the appeal. I can understand appealing a sentence, but not the holding of a sentencing hearing.
At the very least Judge Merchan should have Trump be seen by a panel of court Psychiatrists !
Even though most people in this world already know Trump is Criminally Insane ! https://pic.x.com/vVDJiE8Hfq
Backroom deal with kennedy. Grow up people, criminal has the codes, shoukd not be a surprise. Why do you think he wants to put in unqualifieds in dod. Guess he wants to shoot some 🚀
Like he would even show up for sentencing even if there was any way someone were to have the sand to give him jail time. Take the wrist slap and move on, Shitler
Funny how Bill Clinton meets for a hot minute on a tarmac with an AG in plain site and it was a firestorm but Trump calls a justice prior to them taking up a case concerning him and……. Pretty much crickets.
With everyone being so openly corrupt it seems
Like the American people are gonna need to speak for ourselves.
Our SC is beyond corrupt, incoming defines filthy corruption & outgoing is doing FUCK ALL to stop any of it or throw us a damn bone! Sentence the mother fucker & release the report
Liar. That is the only reason he contact him. The only reason. What a flimsy story. I’m insulted several times a day by how stupid he must think we all are. Just because we can’t respond and we are helpless in the face of all of this doesn’t mean we should be shoveled this crap.
Alito is the dingleberry of corruption. Along with Robert’s and Thomas. America needs to wipe its proverbial ass and get rid of these corrupt assholes.
This is the worst criminal act of the Federal Supreme Court ever!!!!
If all of the Justices do not publicly condemn this action on Alito’s part mostly. Because he’s smart enough to know better.
IT on the other hand is not and thinks ITself above the law anyway!!
Then they are complicit
And why should I believe him?
If only there were ethics.
THIS was how the future MAGA administration will operate - overflowing with CORRUPTION.
Trump is the SWAMP.
-- exempt my friends; punish my enemies
Run that one up Mrs. Alito's flagpole and see who salutes🙄
Now its called Exec Partay
Send Resist to 50409 and ResistBot will help you do that.
You might rethink that.
There is no trust in the SC.
There used to be, bit the SC has repeatedly betrayed our trust.
Next step sentencing is postponed. 🤔
Not the rules, not the laws, not the constitution.
This is very weird and high strangeness.
(Snark Alert)
It‘s either Dark Brandon or it‘ll be buried.
Not a chance in hell do I believe that lying pig!
Even though most people in this world already know Trump is Criminally Insane ! https://pic.x.com/vVDJiE8Hfq
“We didn’t discuss anything about his cases” My ass. You want me to believe that narcissistic MF’ER respected the separation of power.
Alito is a dumb fuck
God I can’t wait til he’s 6feet under👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻⚰️
Not really, but in a normal world it would be unbelievable.
Think Alito will recuse himself? 😂
Like the American people are gonna need to speak for ourselves.
Our SC is beyond corrupt, incoming defines filthy corruption & outgoing is doing FUCK ALL to stop any of it or throw us a damn bone! Sentence the mother fucker & release the report
It is going to be an uphill battle to keep the mid term elections on schedule, and make local, county, state & Federal changes.
If all of the Justices do not publicly condemn this action on Alito’s part mostly. Because he’s smart enough to know better.
IT on the other hand is not and thinks ITself above the law anyway!!
Then they are complicit